Thursday, June 01, 2006

Thirteen hundred and forty-five miles latter, I am resettled in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It wasn't a bad drive......left at noon Monday and got here by five PM Wednesday.......moved into an upscale apartment on the following Monday. For $165 more per month than Michigan, I got a second bath and second bedroom, my own washer and dryer, a patio and a fireplace.
Plus the job opportunities here seem to be immense compared to the second highest unemployment in the nation. In less than a week after getting a phone and Internet access I am getting results!

The views are incredible, the weather cool and dry, and the humidity low!
But I also enjoyed my 7 years in Michigan. It is a nice state and has potential, if they can only figure out how to make it work! I've made my opinions heard on Unions before, but on route to the Springs, it occurred to me that perhaps my non-union affiliation had a determination on my Michigan job hunt. It was a question on every application! It had never occurred to me prior to leaving. Unionization of every aspect of employment is a negative thing in this day of globalization and off shoring!

I look forward to being involved in Colorado Springs.