Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Wonderful World of Retail

Wow, after 20+ years I find myself back in the world of retail. Having worked as a retail grunt (salesperson, cashier, clerk) and through the ranks of management, I find many things remain the same, yet some things have changed.
Malls look the same, have tenant mix and traffic issues....depending on location. Some malls have 25% vacancy issues, which results in less traffic, low profits and huge turnover. Mall anchors come and go.

One problem, staffing remains constant. Low or even “poor” wages create problems of it's own. My current mall in Colorado Springs, Colorado must have dozens of stores with “Help Wanted “ signs. One manger told me he has only received 12 applications in two months. He wants skilled, dedicated labor for $6.25 per hour.........applicants want $10 per hour ! Never the train shall meet!

With over 10 years in retail, with management experience, it simply got me hired. The last retail company I was a management trainee for back in the mid 1970's didn't even interview me! It's obviously a vicious circle......stores/managers want skilled, experienced workers for $1 over minimum wage......and workers want a livable wage plus benefits.

I realized, after getting my first two week full time pay check, that I made twice as much take home on Michigan unemployment ! What is the incentive to work retail? I find myself applying for Food Stamps, and rent assistance..........all of which I easily qualify for, even working “full time”. I make less now than I did in 1999....$2 an hour less. In retail, where is the incentive to excel?

Working retail is certainly a quandary.