Saturday, November 25, 2006

Holiday Marketing....A Fiasco?

OK, Black Friday has come and gone.........national sales figures are in and most are down. Why? Could poor holiday marketing be a factor? Well duh!

I work in the nicer of two Malls in town. Ours opened at 6 AM, however the four anchor stores opened at different times. Penney's and Sears opened at 5 AM..........Macy's at 6 AM and Dillard's at 7 AM.......all the rest of the mall opened at 6:00. My first sale was at 8:15 AM...many stores had no sales until after 10 AM.

The other mall in town, about the same size didn't open until 8 AM !

And today, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, was slow and most stores held huge sales with as much as 50% off of the entire, but not on Black Friday. This seems like poor or no marketing to me. Why didn't the malls coordinate this better? Why weren't all anchor stores made to open at the same time?

Perhaps retail store failures are in part due to their own poor marketing? Does anyone know their job?