Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Post-Consumer Economy

Regardless of the temporary surges in the stock market, renewed consumer confidence, or drama in the news media, economies based on growth and eternal prosperity is over. The world is now in the “Post-Consumer” economy.

What defines this economy? I suggest it is defined by sustainability, green economics, mass transit, renewable energy, decentralization, population control, universal health care and education, demand based on needs vs. wants, and a leveling of wealth.

To the wealthy, greedy elite, and their “wantabies” this may sound like socialism, but I maintain it is the future reality. Some population experts expect a world population of 11 Billion by 2050, almost a doubling of current levels in 40 years…a generation. Many nations on Earth can’t sustain their current populations now, let alone a 50% increase. Resources like food, fresh water, strategic metals, energy, etc are not available for a population of 11 billion souls, at any price.

This unpopular, to some, position is one I have maintained since earning a BA in Political Science back in 1971. Then the “Military-Industrial Complex” was going strong. While changes have occurred since, the overall standard of living for the average human on this planet has decreased. It will continue to worsen, unless proper planning and acceptance of these issues takes place. Ignorance of basic needs like food, fresh water, and quality of life for all, rather than a select few will result in disaster. Global warming and all the associated perils are already beyond the ability of mankind to reverse. Recognition of the “Post-Consumer” economy is just a first step.

To quote a fictional person, “The rights of the many, outweigh the rights of a few!”

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Creative Marketing Ideas

The following creative marketing ideas are specifically about finding new places and ways to advertise. This has always been an area ripe for new ideas. What prompted me to write this page is an article I recently read on a company called Show Media.

Show Media has advertising displays on top of 3,000 taxis in New York. They charge client (which include Levis, Nike and other big companies) $200 per month for each ad, and they pay $100 to the cab company. That leaves enough room for healthy profits. Founder Laurence Hallier says that a typical campaign, which would cost $40,000 per month for exposure on 200 taxis, is seen by 25% of the city's residents - each day.

That got me to thinking about what other creative marketing ideas and opportunities are out there in the area of advertising. The following is a short list I am coming up with as I write this. Some of these may already exist.

Street Signs - In these tough times, many cities are looking for additional revenue. Could placing advertising on street signs provide it? In addition to providing monthly revenue, the company that arranges this might have to make new signs for the city, saving it this cost.

Personal Car Ads - I know this is being done in some areas already. What is needed is a simple system. Have a place where a driver can pull in, have a sign attached to his or her car, and get a check for keeping it there for six months.

Kite Ads - In areas with consistent breezes it might be possible to have kites flying most of the day with large ads on them. Beaches are a natural location, but this may work in other places as well.

Sidewalk Audio Advertising - As people walk by certain locations an ad automatically plays. Advertisers could be charged by the number of times an ad plays (getting a good deal when more than one pedestrian happens to be there to hear it). Another angle here is to sell the units to specific businesses. A restaurant might have a recording that is triggered by each passer-by, saying something like, "Hello, come on in right now and you'll get a free drink with your sandwich."

Yard Sign Advertising - I'm not sure about the legality of this in most places, but many yards have signs supporting political candidates or announcing that some company just replaced the windows or did the landscaping, so why not have paid advertising? Residents get a monthly check for each sign, and advertisers pay twice that, leaving room for a profit for the company that does this.

Mural Advertising - This one might be an opportunity for a budding artist. He could find a building that is ugly and ask the owner how much he would want to have a nice advertising mural on it. Then he could find advertisers who will pay enough to leave him with a decent profit. The owner of the building might have to get final approval on the planned mural and agree to leave it there for a couple years.

Odor Advertising - Have the smell of fresh cooked food pumped onto busy sidewalks, alongside a sign or audio ad promoting a restaurant.

Advertising With Plants - Bushes could be trimmed into the shape of a company logo. Flower beds could be planted with logos or even in the shape of words for advertising. Cornfields near airports could have ads cut into them to be seen by plane passengers above.

Marketing Games - A company might get word-of-mouth advertising by making it into a contest or game. Participants sign up online and get a number which they give out with their recommendation. The person who has referred the most customers after a year wins a big prize.

DVD Ads - There is already advertising for other movies IN DVD movies, but what about on the box that the DVD comes in. I'm not referring to the one that it is sold in. Many movie rental stores have their own blank boxes that they send out all of their movies in. Could they sell advertising on those? It could be for local products or services (a restaurant, for example), or products available nationally.

Those are the ten creative marketing ideas that I could think of in the forty-five minutes it took to write this. You can probably add a few to the list with a bit of brainstorming.

About the author:
Copyright Steve Gillman. Learn more Ways To Make Money, and get the free Unusual Ways (To Make And Save Money) Newsletter, plus e-courses and ebooks, at: http://www.UnusualWaysToMakeMoney.com

Article Source: http://www.Free-Articles-Zone.com

Friday, May 15, 2009

Advertising for Free

Advertising for Free
by: Omar Radaidehf

Advertising for free sounds impossible when mentioned, especially if we're talking about effective advertisment . But there are several ways by which the cost of advertisement can be reduced or even eleminated (money wise) though at the expense of some extra time, and with the help of some imagination and creativity.

A business wanting to advertise, through article marketing, can write articles related to their field of expertise and can submit them to media and publications having interest in that particular field. The advertising article can have information about the company and dealership opportunity. new websites have sprung up which offer free services such as article submission and press releases and articles can be written for these websites and then broadcasted for free, which will be viewed by hundreds of people everyday.

Once the business has gained some recognition, within no time it will gain popularity .

Free bulletin board located in the neighborhood, like in grocery stores, libraries, and salons, are another good idea. Advertising circulars can be posted on such boards for free. Circulars for mass distribution can be handed out at the mall, shopping center, bus stops, particularly on weekends when there is a big rush. Students can be hired on part time basis for this purpose.

Promotional advertisement can be printed on the envelopes used by the business firms. Both the sender and the receiver can view this advertisement. Promotional offers can be sent to customers by postcards, which should be utilized to its full, leaving only place left for writing the address.

Some of the new mail order publications offer free first time and seasonal deductions for advertisers. Other publications offer pay per inquiry space. Inquiries can be made about stand-by space, which means that the publication holds the submission of advertisement until the space is not sold and in that case, thirty three percent saving can be achieved. Usually local newspapers provide these kinds of offers.

If the business is involved in ad sheet or catalog publishing, other publishers can be contacted for the purpose of bartering an advertising exchange. They can place advertisement in their publication, in return for placing their advertisement in the business’s publication.

Free offers can be provided to the customer. This can be done by emailing or printing newsletter about information regarding the area of interest of the targeted customers and can be made popular by using tag lines. Attach a free coupon with it, which the customers can use it for shopping, if a criterion is met like minimum purchase of $ 50. By this the response will be huge and most of them will purchase something or the other to avail the free offer. The basic ingredient for advertising for free is imagination and research. Opportunities should be searched and a strong working force should be applied to increase the sales.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Cinco de Mayo at Maria's Santa Fe

Maria's, my favorite place in Santa Fe, NM for food and Tequila

Friday, May 01, 2009

Apocalyptic Marketing

Whether or not you may believe in the End Times, Armageddon, the Apocalypse, or the prophecies of 12-21-12, many others do. As that prophetic date approaches, there exists a marketing niche worth millions, perhaps billions of dollars.

A current local story tells of someone selling “Flu” surgical masks along the roadside for $5 each. He sold 800 the first day!

I strongly recommend against any type of scam. There is certainly enough value related products and information that will not only work to enhance safety and the feeling of security concerns about any possible Armageddon. Many of these products have multiple uses: disasters, camping, power failures, etc.

Apocalyptic Marketing follows a normal marketing path: Networking, communication, advertising, sales, market research, the Four “P’s”, and all those AMA things.

Some ideas to consider:

1. Books, pamphlets, instruction & information DVD’s, teaching

2. Supplies: dried food, equipment, 3-day emergency packs, Geiger counters, first aid kits, etc.

3. Shelters/bunkers, remote land, rural second home sites, off grid farmsteads, solar power, etc.

4. Hands on training in first aid, martial arts, fire arm safety, building skills, cooking, survival, crafts, animal husbandry, etc.

5. Local emergency supplies depending on area & possible disasters: tornado alley, tsunami coastal area, earthquakes, nuclear power plants, etc.

Some existing Internet sites:

Emergency Essentials: www.beprepared.com
Emergency Supplies: www.emergencyanddisastersupplies.com
Survival Unlimited: www.survivalunlimited.com/
US Bunker: http://www.usbunkers.com/
Rural Land Sales: http://www.landwatch.com/
Solar Energy: http://www.realgoods.com/

As you do your marketing plan, you’ll soon get the idea, and realize you’re not alone in this endeavor. Marketing a reliable product for profit, benefits buyer and seller. Even if the optimistic, “rose colored glass” view, nothing happens by 12-21-12, it is a win-win situation.