Friday, January 30, 2009

Make Real Money Online Through Social Networking Websites - Be a Great Social Citizen

A lot of people are attempting to make real money online through social networking. Websites like MySpace and Facebook are no longer places where friends get together and discuss their favorite movie or book; these are now proper grounds to make some business. A lot of entrepreneurs are realizing this potential. They are building groups of people who would be interested in their product and promoting their products to them. People are buying into these products too because they are already interested groups who are looking for products such as these.

You can make real money online too. You need not have something concrete to sell too. You can make a great deal of money from the cuts that you can keep by forwarding some services to clients that are looking for them. Many webmasters look for writing, designing and SEO needs. If you get professionals in your social networking group who can give these services, you will have made a pretty bundle of money for yourself.

Many ingenuous people make real money online through networking. You could do the same too. But you will need to go about it the right way. Here are some beginner tips.

Start with a Great Profile
A good profile means half the battle won. If your profile can tell people what they can expect from you, you can expect a lot of people to join your group. And these would be targeted people who are really interested in what you are trying to promote.

Make Invitations to People
People are not going to find you just like that, at least initially. You have to put in the effort to search those people and get them to visit you. This is your preliminary activity.

Targeting your Niche
You need to find the people who would be really interested in whatever it is that you are trying to promote through your social group. Once you have these people, they become your niche.

Increasing your Exposure
Once a profile of yours has been established, move over to another website and make a profile there. That will give you a different section of people to work with and you will be able to enhance your online exposure that way.

Copyright (c) 2009 Buddy Shearer

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Grim Reaper

Oregon's unemployment is a record 9%, This past week over 2,000 jobs were lost and up north in Redmond, Washington, Microsoft announced 5,000 layoffs.

At the same time, there is a huge (up to 85%) surge in applications for Food Stamps and Public Assistance, not only here in the NW, but all over the country.

Bailout or Stimulus Package aside, there is no short term fix, and the economic picture looks dark & gloomy through 2010. In fact State economic problems are just beginning to trickle down to the local county and city level. Those layoffs and budget deficits are months away.

The "Obama Bounce" so far is a joke. Liberal Obama supporters say this is the bounce.......that the DOW instead of going down 1,000 points, would have gone down 4,000 points if McCain had won the election. Uh huh.

Gear up for survival mode folks cause it will get much worse, and in fact, may never get better. These may be the "good old days" of prosperity in 5-10 years.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Special Prosecutor for Hank Paulson?

Would you buy a used car from this guy?

I suggest that instead of trying to impeach George W. Bush, that a special prosecutor be enabled to investigate fraud and corruption charges against the Secretary of Treasury Hank Paulson.

His actions, abrupt demands, and maleficence of the use of the $700 Billion "Bailout" is not only outrageous, but I think possibly, even criminal. His original 2.5 page "Demand" for the money, with no oversight, and basically a blank check, poured money down a rat hole. His plan allowed mergers and acquisitions of major banks and did nothing for homeowners or stockholders. Could he be corrupt? Could "kickbacks" and bribes be involved? Only a Special Prosecutor can sort this out, but taxpayers should demand it!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Communication: Learning From the Past

If President Elect Obama has learned anything from studying the past he seems to have learned that the incentive to stimulate the economy must, arguably, start with jobs. After all, if consumers do not have jobs, they have no money and cannot support businesses. The big fear is that President Elect Obama's grand plans for a 'New Deal' type of job stimulus plan is not geared toward a quick fix. It is true that changes will happen slowly and the fact is there probably is no quick fix to an economy that has fallen so heavily into despair. Even in the past with the Great Depression the New Deal did not solve the problems of the economy, it only made it possible for millions of people to once again have hope—it allowed them to survive.

Survival is the key here. Getting through these troubled times without a total collapse of our way of life is the issue only this time it is not merely a U.S. problem it is global. Technology has linked every continent to the economic crisis in ways that while in good times is invigorating; in bad times it is catastrophic. Now more than ever in history the world as a whole has a stake in the well being of each and every nation's financial health.

Statistics show that a recession usually lasts about a year. We have gone beyond that time span and it is reasonable to assume this is not going to go away by itself. The economy is not going to right itself without a great deal of help and the plan proposed by President Elect Obama is at the very least a lofty goal that shows incentive and desire to provide relief to a scrambling nation. At its best over time it may just divert the scary inevitability of what a prolonged recession leads to—depression. The job stimulus plan attacks the problem at its core. Bailing out industry, shoring up banks, and other methods of salvaging a defunct economy are attempts to bandage the symptoms rather than fight the problem at its root.

Like the New Deal of the past the new stimulus programs are varied and widespread and do indeed include some aide to struggling corporations and banks. Like the New Deal of Roosevelt's time, however, it focuses on the people and getting the economy working again from the bottom up. Keeping people in their homes, putting food on their table, and giving them jobs so that they can stimulate the industrial world like no stimulus program possibly can is what worked in the past and will work again.

Right now it is hard for anyone to focus on anything other than fixing what is broke. Perhaps once things are working once more we can study our own recent past to see what errors were made to cause such critical failure. Certainly our rosy outlook on credit and spending are the crux of a problem that must not be allowed to happen again. It is common knowledge that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. It is time we stopped repeating this particular portion of history. Some day it may be impossible to keep it from becoming total annihilation.

For more information on the job stimulus plan, visit

Communication: Learning From the Past
(Thu Jan 8th, 2009, by John Parks)