Monday, February 28, 2011

SEO Marketing on Twitter is Bunk!

WOW, only four Tweeters clicked on my "Win $10,000 Instantly" bait link.  This explains why I have never made one cent on Affiliate advertising in the 6 years my blogs have been on line!

Does this means no one clicks on any links on any site?  My affiliates were always national companies that I use myself, like "Go Daddy"  If no one clicks, what is the point?  It's almost like selling refrigerators to Eskimos!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

WIN $100,000 Instantly (Are You Insane?) No!

Let's see how many gullible Tweeters come and look at this "BAIT"!  Really so many Tweeters make all kinds of offers (LIES) to get followers and have their links "clicked"...In 30 years of Marketing, I've never done that.  Never lied or exagerated just to get a sale.  Instead, I've always associated myself with the best products of their kind, told the truth and offered excellent customer service.  This may explain why I  never gotten rich.

So if you clicked on my Tweet and thought that was going to get you $100,000...your both insane and wrong!

Monday, February 21, 2011

World Chaos....Profits Can Soar!

Capitalism at it's finest...making profits on chaos and human misery!  Middle East violence and upheaval raise Oil, Ag Stocks, Gold, and Metals to all time highs! 

When the world collapses in 2012, some will be making a profit, right up to the end.  You can die poor, or you can die rich...but does it really matter in the end?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The End of the Middle Class

Today on CNBC, they have announced (in so many words) the end of the middle class!  Evidently, since 1978 the average per-capita income of $33,000/yr has remained flat into statistics double speak, that is actually a huge degrease!  Meanwhile, the upper 1% of income earners has seen a 30% increase in the same time frame! Huh?

Are we all "Wage Slaves" getting the crumbs from the table of the wealthy?  Why would reasonable men put up with this crap?  Why aren't we rioting like in the Middle East?  Are we sheeple?

As I pointed out in a recent Tweet..."Aspire to be rich, not poor!"

Friday, February 04, 2011

Do we need a "Global Minimum Wage"?

Middle East unemployment ranges from 30% to 50%.   In the USA, new figures claim 9%...with real unemployment about 17%.  In Europe and Asia figures reflect the same poor economic numbers.

In Egypt, people live on $2 US per day...less in some African countries.  Jobs flee the US to foreign markets due to lower labor costs (Thanks to overpriced Labor Unions).

What would the repercussion be of a Global Minimum Wage?  In my state of Oregon, the minimum wage is $8.50/hr, one of the highest in the United States. If the GMW was say $3/hr, many jobs would stop fleeing industrialized countries.  The standard of living would rise in undeveloped countries, perhaps stemming illegal immigration.  

In the Global Economy, it sounds like a win-win situation.  Why hasn't such an idea been proposed?  Fear of "The New World Order"?  Ridiculous!

In 2011, with a Global Economy, I propose a Global Minimum Wage is a necessity, both for economic growth and world peace!