Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sell Stocks...100% ETFs

OK, on or about April 24th, I sold out all stocks in the "Virtual Portfolio" and moved to a 100% ETF portfolio.  In the last five days of April it gained over $35 Million.  CNBC had a ETF Portfolio Advisement page which I used for some ideas...alas 7/10 lost money for the week.  Those have all been dumped and replaced with ETFs that gained at least .75% in the last 5 days.  One of my main overall goals for the "Virtual Portfolio" is to maintain a 25% ROI for the year.  Easily done so far in 2011.

Friday, April 22, 2011

All That glitters is not gold...But Also Silver!

Since creating the "Virtual Portfolio" with one billion dollars in assets in September of 2010, it has maintained a 25% return of about $289 Million.  

Current Portfolio Allocation
Most stocks and ETFs are in metals...with a high percentage in silver and gold.  Secondary stocks and ETFs are in Oil and oil service companies. We remain "Bullish" in these sectors, and expect our ROI the last week of April 2011 to exceed $300 Million.