Thursday, May 11, 2006

Detroit, MI.......Economic Disaster

Well I have lived in the Detroit, Michigan area for over 6 years, working for a major Financial Services Co. Until May of 2005.

I recently have decided to "unretire" and look for work, only to find myself at age 57, competing with 300-400 other souls for any reasonable job.

I never do a "shotgun" approach to job hunting, but rather a very specific hunt for jobs that match my skills, experience, and educational level. Since March 1, I have had not one interview and can't even get a "Temp" assignment. That's with extensive Graduate work, and job ratings of "surpasses" requirements...................uh huh.

It's I am relocating. Moving back to the State of Colorado for the 5th time in my life.......but to a state with a over 2%+ better unemployment rate and to a city of 369,000+, Colorado Springs.

Colorado is also basicly a non-union state.....which will help!

My personal opinion is that Unions have destroyed the economies of Michigan and New York with their huge wage demands, taxes, etc. that result from union employment. Huge layoffs of 10,000's in the auto industry can't help.

Let the adventure begin!