OK, the blank signature line on 50% of cards, or the "See ID" instead of a readable signature goes on.
However there are new players on the scene now. Mastercard's "PayPass", and Visa's "Visa payWave" contactless smart cards. No signature or pin number required!
In my brief, on going poll of people who don't sign their darn cards, 100% say they will never use such a device! Indeed, the reason some cro-magnon shoppers still write checks, is to prevent ID theft!
What happened to those programs to put your photograph on credit/debit cards? I always thought that was a great idea, but it did not seem to take off. I still see them, but rarely.
I even found an "ABC News" site that discussed this very topic of signature free transactions http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Consumer/story?id=2601925
All in all, I feel the media ramps up this fear in consumers...most credit card companies limit your liability for false transactions, and I think that some people have an inflated value of their own importance. ID Thieves are more likely to steel Bill Gates information, than "Joe Sixpacks" who lives in a single wide trailer!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Identity Theft, Part 2
Posted by Bentnwasted at 6/22/2007