No cost marketing methods, are you crazy? To answer that question, no, I’m quite sain. Every online marketer can use ten methods to boost marketing for nothing out of pocket. With these free marketing methods you can try them, and find the ones that fit your needs, with no cost you can put them all into use and watch your sales boom.
1. Remember it is all about your visitors. Your ads are not the place to get a case of the “Me’s”. Your visitors will want to know that their needs and wants will be met. They want to hear what your product or service will do to make their life easier, and better. So remember, your ads are not the place to boast about awards won, or your genius. Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and write the ad for them.
2. You can allow visitors post a free classified ad on your website. Let them post the ad and in return they must give you a valid e-mail address. If it suites you, require them to return after a agreed upon time to re submit. You can also get them to give you a reciprocal link on their site. You will get an address for you list, as well as get your link post on another site for free.
3. Are you an ezine article writer? Allow others to publish your articles on their sites. By including your website ad and link in each article published, you will then get your information out every time someone uses your material.
4. Are you one who likes to leave feedback on a product or service you have received? If so don’t let that go without getting something out of it for yourself. When you email your testimonial to the company give them permission to use your praises on their site as long as they link to your site. Simply put your name under your testimonial and your site information.
5.You can give away the soft ware as a gift to customers as a way of showing appreciation. Place an ad along with the gift for a back end product you are offering.
6. Since your subscribers are most likely to invest in upgrades and pass information onto friends, try giving them free copies or limited memberships to new products you may have. What you may offer free today, will be put back into your business plus more when upgrades are bought, or full memberships purchased.
7. People buy product when they see the ad repeatedly. Give away a follow-up email course on anything pertaining to your product. With each lesson remember to include your ad. By keeping your advertisement in your customer’s mind they will be more likely to buy from you.
8. Contest’s are always a hit with people. When they think they can win something for free, people will always sign up. You can use short polls or surveys for people to enter the contest, and it will increase your opt in list. By giving away ebooks or reports, or if you want something to send them go with t-shirts, caps, or anything with your company logo. Then notify everyone by email to announce the winner of the contest.
9. If your site does not have message boards or forums on it, you may want to change that. It will let your customers be more active on your site. When members get active on a message board or forum, they are more likely to return later.
10. How to articles or stories are a fantastic way to keep people reading your site. Everyone enjoys a good story or interesting articles. By using tall tales and humor on your page you will find more people taking time to read from start to finish.
About The Author
Jason Pearson is an online marketing expert who wants to share his secrets with the world. To find out more visit
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Ten Simple, No Cost Methods to Take Your Marketing to the Next Level
Posted by Bentnwasted at 4/26/2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
"Luck" Marketing?
Does Luck have a place in marketing management?
On a scale of 1-10, with ten being the "Perfect Product and Plan" and one being let's cut our losses and file Chapter 13, Luck is at least a 5. Timing is everything, but like the saying goes "stuff happens", that even the most savvy management team could not see without a crystal ball, Luck comes into play.
How does luck, good or bad, compare to budgets, advertising plans, media blitzes, and pages of statistical figures? There is gorilla marketing, voo-doo marketing, , new age marketing, old school, hip hop marketing, even punk marketing. Taken as part of a managed effort, being in the right place at the right time is really a matter of careful and brilliant planning...or not?
What the credible manager needs is to make sure that all his "marketing ducks" are in the proper row, and get lucky! "Well, punk, do you feel lucky?"
Posted by Bentnwasted at 4/25/2008