Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Recession Marketing........... on TV

Months, perhaps years, after I first mentioned Recession/Gloom/Depression/Dooms Day Marketing on this blog....it appears to have found it's way to the Nightly News. Seems that Savvy(sic) Marketing folks have dreamed up this concept recently. Bad times can make money...well duh!

If I had a dollar for every idea I thought of first I would have a lest $10...or $500,000,000. After the "blind eyed optimists" and folks wearing "Rose Colored Goggles " loose steam, they get all excited and adopt the concept that Pessimism, like Greed....is good. Uh huh. Where you nimrods been sleeping?

I predict they will be teaching this in college MBA classes someday..because we will never, ever get out of this miss. A 500 point gain in the stock market is trivial when you see how much the DIA falls when the first Nuke detonates on London, Tel Aviv, or NYC.