It is trendy right now to cut back and try to spend less money in business. You have to have some sort of advertising. There are less expensive ways to do it than what you may be accustomed to. No big ad firm or flashy TV campaign for right now. You can come up with ways that will surprise people . When you do something just a little different then people pay attention. Isn't that the whole point?
You can get very creative with some promotional merchandise. You can design it to stand out and you can give it to people in a way that they will remember. Think about how people did things in the past. It was not unusual to have someone sing the companies praises out in front of the business. That worked when there was a lot of foot traffic and crowded cities. Now you could hire an actor/singer to walk through a crowded outdoor public area while someone follows behind handing out small promo items.
The sign that you have in front of your business should tell people what to expect on the inside. If it is grubby and unreadable, you will not be attracting too much new business. Clearly readable and informative is a good start. If you have space in front of your store, make it more welcoming. A few large potted plants, that could be placed on rollers to move inside nightly if you fear thievery, look great. You could install a bench too.
A more recent grass roots method of advertising is flyers or door hangers. You can easily find a bunch of high school kids that will hit the streets with you for cheap. Remember do not put anything inside of the mail box. That will get you in serious trouble. If you attach a rubber band to your homemade flyer, it can be stapled, you can then hang it. It will go on the front door, the mailbox flag or even the front gate.
Thinking outside the box is what makes a good business owner and a successful business. Keep the budget under control with these great advertising ideas guaranteed to impact your business in grand way with a very small investment.
Friday, August 14, 2009
The Best And Most Inexpensive Business Advertising Ideas
Posted by Bentnwasted at 8/14/2009
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