Monday, March 08, 2010

Portfolio Revision Strategy and "Pick the Close"

Yeah, the market manipulators are messing with the stock market again.  I say bear, they say apparent reason for either.

I sold the DXD ETF and bought a range of about 12 stocks with growth prospects, still shorting the Asian market!  I'm down about $3000 in the last week.

With regards to the "Pick the Close"contest on CNBC, I started out in the low 300's, but my next 7 picks are in the mid 5,000 of number of contestants.....LOL.  Then I realized these guys have software that analyzes the market, etc to predict the close.  Uh huh.  I have yet to find one that works on my system or can work from my flash drive!   My "guessing" now has more of a mathematical bent!   Who says all that calculas and math I took in college was for nothing?