Monday, May 16, 2011


"Obamanomics"...I thought I coined this term, but probably not.  Our President seems to be clueless in regards to basic Economics.  The Administration continues to announce bogus (my opinion) data on oil production, job creation, economic recovery, etc.  Not only do many Americans doubt him, many foreign nations also doubt the road America is on, with regards to the World Economy.

Pundits like the  700 Club's Pat Robertson and Conservative Rush Limbaugh, have called the decline of the US Dollar and rise of Gold for months...yet are ridiculed, both in the press and by the talking heads on TV News.

We can barely survive 2 more years of Obamanomics, and certainly can not survive 4 more...until 2016.  His policies are destroying the free enterprise and capitalist system of America.  It must be stopped at the polls in 2012.