There is a fairly widespread movement called #Prepping. It regards being self-sufficient as necessary do to the impending collapse of civilization or as preppers call it SHTF! I've been interested in this since Y2K in 2000. survival supplies, living off the grid in a rural setting isn't for everyone. But I look at stockpiling food and supplies, tools, trade goods...being self-sufficient with a skill set, as insurance.
Many folks buy auto, home, and life insurance and while paying on them for years, perhaps decades, may never use that type of insurance...ever! How can you go wrong having 6 months of food on hand? Or buying and using tools, growing a garden, living in a calm rural area?
Many people look on this movement as a bunch of doomsday crazies, planning for the end of the world...but if you take the time to read about or go to a good blog like Total Survivor Dad and do some research, you'll find that #prepping is indeed Insurance.
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Prepping is Insurance
Posted by Bentnwasted at 6/03/2012