Lately businesses have suffered a slump due to the struggling regional economy and many business owners would want to promote and boost sales the cheap and inexpensive way. Business marketing would entail cost and owners and board of directors would want to keep it at the minimum to soften the influx of inbound and outbound cash flow.
There are many ways to deal with business marketing and everything lies with the premise of exposure and brand name mileage. It may be an advertisement on national television or a flyer distributed at a local pewee baseball game, this always leads to brand and business exposure.
Here are five easy and inexpensive tips that could get that mileage and give your business a sales boost.
Letterheads, Logo's and Emblem Envelops
As much as possible we would not want people scouring through our mail but having these business paraphernalia could make your business look more serious and professional. Logos on envelopes and stationeries can be noticed by third party individuals that might be looking for your services or products. It is important that you have a comprehensive paraphernalia design that can get messages across and not confuse your potential clients.
Press Releases and Infomercials
Many cable companies now offer there own channels as community billboard or an alternative to the local community channel and most of them would only be asking for just a fraction of what national television media are asking. Although having to narrowcast on the local area would mean fewer audiences but for a small local business it can be a huge impact since this is the only market that you cater to.
Local newspapers and magazines are open to press releases or an interestingly written informative article about your product. Media would need to research on interesting topics that they could fill their paper with for people to buy them and your product could be interesting enough to be featured on as an article or press release instead of advertising it. This could give a positive image to your company and product.
Sponsoring Community Based Activities
Having a business to sponsor a community activity may be one of the hardest to measure in terms of brand impact and recall. Though it may be hard to quantify and could be impossible to measure, it is one of the oldest tricks in marketing books. This business activity can promote brand loyalty among the society.
Another impact that can be enjoyed by this is the news about the sports event that carries your name, and it would be best to sponsor the team that has the highest chance of winning since everybody loves a winner.
Brand marketing strategies require patience and perseverance in achieving good results based on your budget. Everything is about timing, a good business marketing mix that is not well thought about or planned can lead to disaster with financial as well as moral losses. So be wary before spending your budget, because there is no half-way, either you push it-giving 100% support to your business marketing or not pushing it at all.
About the Author:
James Brown writes about coupon code, SnapMonkey bargains
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Article published on November 28, 2007 at
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Three Easy But Inexpensive Business Marketing Tips
Posted by Bentnwasted at 11/27/2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Holidays are coming......... Shop till you drop!
OMG, they started Holiday (Christmas) decorations the first of November here in the NW. The town tree is up, and the lighting ceremony is this Friday. all the stores are decorated for the season, snow is highly unlikely. Some ads are calling for a "Pre-Thanksgiving Day Sale", and then of course Friday is "Black Friday"...won't see me in any mall or store that day, or even that weekend.
I think commercialism is an addiction, much like tobacco or drugs. Shop till you drop, or are broke, buying crap you don't need, just to buy.
A "sustainable economy" under the current economic system here in the USA and probably most of the world, is highly unlikely! For example, thanks to surpluses/poor quality control/mass production, I have a brand new $150+ "Columbia" high tech winter coat. They are given out to the homeless (me). The real funny part is everything seems to be made in Thailand, China, or Malaysia...but hey it's an "American" company! Uh Huh. Maybe there would not be 3,000,000+ homeless/unemployed in the US if things were actually manufactured here.
Posted by Bentnwasted at 11/19/2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
The Coming Economic Collapse
It's coming within the next five years. Recession, depression, economic collapse is as inevitable as the sun rising each morning.
The current level of the world economy is unsustainable, and humans are unable and unwilling to change. Change to prevent Global Collapse by moving to sustainable economies vs growth oriented requires a new paradigm. People in the USA can't even adopt the Metric System that the rest of the world uses, let alone make such a leap of mindset.
In addition the threat of nuclear terrorism and nuclear war is almost imminent the present time, let alone in the next five years, with the possible fall of Pakistan into a radical Muslim nation and a supply of nuclear weapons!
Israel or even India may take preemptive action against not only Pakistan, but also Iran. The resulting global panic will speed the economic collapse.
Blind optimists see it all as a "temporary" setback, and that things from employment to housing will surely improve. Realists, such as myself, see the ongoing loss of high paying jobs, exported jobs, a service economy, as signs of the end.
The sky is falling, just get out of the way!
Posted by Bentnwasted at 11/09/2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Homeless Marketing
There is approximately, depending on which source you choose to believe, 3,750,000 homeless people in the USA. Several thousand in most major cities.
While homeless, many of these folks are also consumers, they buy things. mostly necessities, but also many other different products. Of course alcohol and cigarettes, pouch tobacco and rolling papers come to mind.
But they also need services...medical, social. substance abuse, counseling, etc.
At least half, by my estimation are getting, SSI, SS, or some other type of government assistance, and there for monthly income. A good portion are VETs, and may utilize VA Loans, etc.
Could this be a missed marketing opportunity? There is at least one "Homeless Newspaper" here in the city, informational posters, emails (shelters have computers and many emails...I am typing this post from a shelter), pamphlets, etc.
Marketing and advertising can be directed at not only the homeless, but also the providers of homeless services. Government grants or "goodwill" social funding may be available for funding. This may be an untapped significant niche market. A market worth investigation.
Posted by Bentnwasted at 11/06/2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
How To Choose Trade Show Equipment
I previously worked for a Exhibit Manufacturer, as well as Exposystems and Expo Communications back in the mid 1970's. It's a highly competitive world and basicly one driven by price! I did have some class A clients though, like State of NM, Coors Brewing CO, Eagle Claw Fishing Tackle, etc.
Many companies understand the importance of attending a tradeshow. However when it comes to choosing the type of equipment that is needed to make a good impression at the tradeshow, many companies are at a loss, and what is needed to be made clear is that there are essentially two choices when it comes to choosing tradeshow equipment, and that is between custom tradeshow equipment and the ready-made variety. This article will look at the two types and discuss some considerations that need to be made when choosing display equipment for a tradeshow booth.
For the booth itself, the difference between a custom-made booth and a ready-made booth is a large one, both in terms of cost and the impression that it will make. A custom-made tradeshow booth is extremely expensive, but the impression that it will make will be extremely powerful to the attending tradeshow delegates, and the booth will fit in exactly what the marketing message that you wish to convey. A ready-made booth will be much cheaper, but the impression that it will make maybe nowhere near as strong as one made by a custom-built booth, since many of the elements that are used to construct the booth may well be used by other exhibitors at the same tradeshow.
When it comes to display equipment, much of the same thinking as that which applies to choosing the booth itself applies here as well. Custom-made display equipment, such as stages, pedestals, and the product display cabinets, are extremely expensive, but yet will produce a very strong corporate image. On the other hand, ready-made display equipment will be much cheaper but with a correspondingly weaker corporate impression.
However, much ready-made display equipment can be customized to a certain extent by the addition of corporate graphics and other corporate insignia. For instance, many off the available banner stands look very much alike, and will likely be used by many other exhibitors at the same tradeshow. In order to make the banner stand look original all that is needed is to add your corporate graphics and some other powerful marketing materials. This is where the services of a good graphic designer can be invaluable. More information on choosing display equipment can be found at
As can be seen, the choice is of which tradeshow equipment to use is a fairly simple one and is essentially one of choosing between custom-made or ready made display equipment or the tradeshow booth itself. Keep this simple advice in mind when you're looking at display equipment for your tradeshow booth, and remember that if you exhibit rarely it may be better to do for the cheaper option, and leave the custom-built expensive options to companies who exhibited at tradeshows regularly.
Source: Free Articles from
Carl Formby owns and operates, a website dedicated to information about Display Stands">Display Stands>
Posted by Bentnwasted at 11/01/2007