Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Homeless Marketing

There is approximately, depending on which source you choose to believe, 3,750,000 homeless people in the USA. Several thousand in most major cities.

While homeless, many of these folks are also consumers, they buy things. mostly necessities, but also many other different products. Of course alcohol and cigarettes, pouch tobacco and rolling papers come to mind.

But they also need services...medical, social. substance abuse, counseling, etc.

At least half, by my estimation are getting, SSI, SS, or some other type of government assistance, and there for monthly income. A good portion are VETs, and may utilize VA Loans, etc.

Could this be a missed marketing opportunity? There is at least one "Homeless Newspaper" here in the city, informational posters, emails (shelters have computers and many emails...I am typing this post from a shelter), pamphlets, etc.

Marketing and advertising can be directed at not only the homeless, but also the providers of homeless services. Government grants or "goodwill" social funding may be available for funding. This may be an untapped significant niche market. A market worth investigation.