Regardless of the temporary surges in the stock market, renewed consumer confidence, or drama in the news media, economies based on growth and eternal prosperity is over. The world is now in the “Post-Consumer” economy.
What defines this economy? I suggest it is defined by sustainability, green economics, mass transit, renewable energy, decentralization, population control, universal health care and education, demand based on needs vs. wants, and a leveling of wealth.
To the wealthy, greedy elite, and their “wantabies” this may sound like socialism, but I maintain it is the future reality. Some population experts expect a world population of 11 Billion by 2050, almost a doubling of current levels in 40 years…a generation. Many nations on Earth can’t sustain their current populations now, let alone a 50% increase. Resources like food, fresh water, strategic metals, energy, etc are not available for a population of 11 billion souls, at any price.
This unpopular, to some, position is one I have maintained since earning a BA in Political Science back in 1971. Then the “Military-Industrial Complex” was going strong. While changes have occurred since, the overall standard of living for the average human on this planet has decreased. It will continue to worsen, unless proper planning and acceptance of these issues takes place. Ignorance of basic needs like food, fresh water, and quality of life for all, rather than a select few will result in disaster. Global warming and all the associated perils are already beyond the ability of mankind to reverse. Recognition of the “Post-Consumer” economy is just a first step.
To quote a fictional person, “The rights of the many, outweigh the rights of a few!”
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Post-Consumer Economy
Posted by Bentnwasted at 5/26/2009