Friday, May 01, 2009

Apocalyptic Marketing

Whether or not you may believe in the End Times, Armageddon, the Apocalypse, or the prophecies of 12-21-12, many others do. As that prophetic date approaches, there exists a marketing niche worth millions, perhaps billions of dollars.

A current local story tells of someone selling “Flu” surgical masks along the roadside for $5 each. He sold 800 the first day!

I strongly recommend against any type of scam. There is certainly enough value related products and information that will not only work to enhance safety and the feeling of security concerns about any possible Armageddon. Many of these products have multiple uses: disasters, camping, power failures, etc.

Apocalyptic Marketing follows a normal marketing path: Networking, communication, advertising, sales, market research, the Four “P’s”, and all those AMA things.

Some ideas to consider:

1. Books, pamphlets, instruction & information DVD’s, teaching

2. Supplies: dried food, equipment, 3-day emergency packs, Geiger counters, first aid kits, etc.

3. Shelters/bunkers, remote land, rural second home sites, off grid farmsteads, solar power, etc.

4. Hands on training in first aid, martial arts, fire arm safety, building skills, cooking, survival, crafts, animal husbandry, etc.

5. Local emergency supplies depending on area & possible disasters: tornado alley, tsunami coastal area, earthquakes, nuclear power plants, etc.

Some existing Internet sites:

Emergency Essentials:
Emergency Supplies:
Survival Unlimited:
US Bunker:
Rural Land Sales:
Solar Energy:

As you do your marketing plan, you’ll soon get the idea, and realize you’re not alone in this endeavor. Marketing a reliable product for profit, benefits buyer and seller. Even if the optimistic, “rose colored glass” view, nothing happens by 12-21-12, it is a win-win situation.