What would you do if your advertising budget was slashed to $100? Not one day or month...$100 for the entire year's budget! OK, so your not a Fortune 500 Company obviously, perhaps a shoe-string start-up(been there, done that) and unsure where to spend that $100 and get the most "bang-for-your-buck" in returns.
Much depends on the nature of your business. Why advertise a lawn mowing service on the Internet, or a 1/2 page phone book ad for an Internet business. Get my drift?
You have choices, some good, some not. Here are a few which require some research, networking with others to see what works for them, and a lot of elbow grease on your part...you can cut and past correct? In no weighted order:
Yellow Page Advertising (???)
Your Own Web Page (Affiliates, banner ads, networking)
Internet Advertising (blogs, banner ads, be an affiliate)
Email (don't cross the line and be "Spam")
Direct mail (aka "Junk Mail")
Flyer's (post in public places...i.e...nearest phone pole)
Business Cards (mini billboards)
Unless you do much of the design, layout, setup, etc (elbow grease, remember) that $100 won't make a dent. Try it, see what you can creatively do for that $100 Budget, you may be surprised!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Micro Marketing Challenge
Posted by Bentnwasted at 6/30/2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Marketing #1 Rule
by S E Campbel
You can choose to read about all the marketing tactics you'd like, but the first step in a healthy business is the planning part of marketing. It's so easy to get caught up in the "marketing event of the week". But this isn't how effective marketing is carried out.
I used to work for an advertising company (imagine that!) who reacted to the latest marketing technique. One such technique at the time was email marketing. The results were spotty at best not necessary because of the technique but because of the this-is-going-to-get-us-all-the-business-we-want mentality.
You need a planned approach which involves goals, logical steps, a budget, and partners. Anything outside of this project management approach will be knee-jerk and over time, unsuccessful. The most effective companies manage each area of the business, and that includes marketing. For some reason, many owners feel as though marketing runs on itself. Perhaps this was true in days past where one could put a sign outside the office, take out a yellow page ad, and business would walk through the door.
But in today's world the competitive landscape is fierce. You must be good in all areas...quality, customer service, operations, accounting, management, and of course (and perhaps the most important area of all), marketing.
I would suggest the first step is to take out your business plan and develop a marketing plan that complements the vision (if you don't have either I would suggest that you start writing). Determine how you're doing first. This includes the business in addition to where you are in the industry as compared to others. This would involve some industry research. Then there are marketing planning steps that are essential.
First is to narrow and define the market you want to go for...in essence your target market. Starting with your ideal customer can help you to determine that. You must understand in order to be successful that you have to narrow your view down to those who value what you offer most. It's so easy to play into the helping-anybody syndrome, and it will pull your business down quickly. You've got to say 'no' and be disciplined about this. Next is to determine a core message that will appeal to that target market and to package your business in that way. You want everything boiled down to a simple and targeted message.
Finally, you need to determine the appropriate marketing tactics for you business (e.g. direct mail, seminars, signage, etc.). Once you have defined these, you'll need to set a budget and get help (ie. graphic designers, fulfillment house partner, etc.)
As you can see, an effective approach is a planned one...one that involves commitment and focus.
Source: Free Articles
Autor: secampbel
Posted by Bentnwasted at 6/28/2009
Labels: Reprint Article
Thursday, June 25, 2009
On-Line Marketing, Make Money for "Them"
I keep this blog on a wide range of search engines, blog directories, and promote it in "social media" like Twitter and Yuku. A few minutes ago, I found the "Top 50 Marketing Blogs". I wasn't listed, but found mine to be as "professional" looking an many.
One thing they all had in common though, was that to make money on the Internet, you had to "buy" their secret information to succeed. Selling or reselling their information is how they make money from you!
I was also surprised that many sites and even a poll suggested that they do not use or generally make money from "Affiliates". In Twitter, dozens, perhaps hundreds of marketers use the exact same video to increase traffic. OK, isn't anyone original? Does this ploy even work? Is there money in sheer volume?
My goal as a blogger is two fold. Yes, I want to make money, but I also want to convey opinions, off beat information, and make my blog "interesting". It is a work in progress.
Posted by Bentnwasted at 6/25/2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
How to Market During Recession
by Katie Marcus
The it' word nowadays is recession. There is also the downtimes, economic crunch, economic downturn, slowdown however you call it, this particular time is indeed very hard for everybody.
The people are feeling the difficulties associated with having an economy that is in depression, so much so, that people are mostly trying to keep whatever money they have. Hence, there is a reduction in the general spending of consumers, and even the companies are retrenching as fast as you can say recession'.
Recession is indeed here and this is not a good time mostly for businesses. Consumers are the ones keeping any business going and growing so how can one survive if the level of spending has gone down?
Nevertheless, the fact remains that consumers did not stop spending altogether even during the economic slowdown. They need to spend in order for them to live, although everybody has curbed their spending to a minimum and mostly to those things that are necessary. In addition, they definitely would be looking for those products that can give maximum value for their hard-earned money. In addition, if they can get more, then that would be excellent.
That is how your business can keep going even during these downtimes. If you can offer value for their money in your catalog printing for example, and even go for the extra mile when making an offer to your clients and prospects, there is definitely no reason for your business not to enjoy the profits. You can survive and you can grow your business to the level that you have expected from the very start.
The key is to give your target clients additional value in your offer in your custom catalog printing for example. By giving them maximum value for their money, you give them no reason to buy from you especially if you have the solution to their needs and wants.
Your marketing campaign therefore, needs to have a change if you want to get the most of the market. Your catalog printing for one can benefit greatly if you can offer more products and services that are efficient and effective in relation to the money they shelled out. That is why you need to think out a careful plan concerning your marketing strategies. You need to plan strategies that would still make your target clients buy your products and services. The bottom line is to provide them with an offer in your catalog printing that would give more value to their money than that being offered by your completion.
If you can do that, then there is really no reason for your business to go for broke. Rather, your business will definitely enjoy the benefits of having the biggest portion of the market.
Article Tags: Catalog Printing
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Posted by Bentnwasted at 6/19/2009
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Obama Economy
Does anyone with a minor background in economics or at least 3rd grade mathematics, think that the Trillions of Dollars in bailouts, healthcare, military spending, etc. can actually be accomplished? The US has a $12 trillion deficit, and once it reaches $29 trillion, will represent 80% of our GDP. In other words, the US is bankrupt!
All this planning or hidden agenda seems to ignore world events such as pandemics, war in the Middle East, N Korea, a Taliban win in Pakistan, $150 barrel oil, and other major “wrenches” in the works events.
In this Obama rose colored glasses, my glass is half full optimistic view, and recovery will take place. In reality, it is all a disaster waiting to happen, on a Global scale!
Posted by Bentnwasted at 6/17/2009
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Reality Marketing, Revision 13
Reality Marketing 13
Readers of my Blog, can probably tell that I am not one of the millions of “get rich quick” gurus that cover the spectrum of marketing media from Twitter, Spam emails, TV commercials, print, newspaper, or trendy bookstores. If you could “get rich quick”, everyone would be rich! Except for inheritance, it probably requires intelligence and hard work.
Here are some of my thoughts on marketing during the deep recession we are in and will be in for at least the next 10 years. Yes, you read that correctly, 10 years. Talking heads, economists, various Lords of Industry that deal with reality, concur that even after “recovery” it will take at least 5 years for the unemployment rate to get down to 5%. The unemployment rate has not even begun to peak. (My own peak…15%)
1. Stash the Cash: Many of the problems existing in the financial world today are a result of rapid growth, fueled by massive debt. Use cash wisely, don’t incur unnecessary debt; you cannot pay back easily. Why would you want others to own your business?
2. Don’t Stop Advertising: Advertising exists for multiple reasons beyond that of making the next sale. It keeps your brand out there. It is a communication tool that shows the new, improved, creative, unique, or value of your brand or product. Pick the media that works for you, and stick with it. Quality, rather than quantity.
3. Cull the Herd: A reality check is needed, face it, does that $300 month yellow page ad really work more than a simple phone listing? Did you make money on all those direct mail campaigns? Product determines only a portion of the advertising and marketing decision. A limited, but fixed budget should be put into the media that actually works for the long haul. A simple statement, but one often ignored.
4. Learn New Stuff: Not everyone in business has an MBA. Don’t be afraid to learn something new. Take some classes at a local college or on-line. Read several of the hundreds of related periodicals or journals. Join a group like the American Marketing Association or local equivalent. Scan the Internet for related Blogs, etc. Read a business book from your local bookstore, college bookstore, or library on the newest trends. Be informed.
5. Forget the Jones’s: Need the newest laptop, I-phone, Tweeter application, media gimmick? Think your ready to jump on the bandwagon of newest, bigger, better, faster, most popular? Trying to keep up with those “Jones’s”…again. Forget that. You assume they know better than you, about you and your business. Again, think long haul, not instant gratification, yet another future Blog. Make do with what you have, until you find that “cash cow” we all look for. Silas Marner can be a roll model.
While many will think these five items are a tongue-in-cheek look at marketing, I hope many can pull realistic advice and information from a very serious Blog. No, really, I mean every word!
Posted by Bentnwasted at 6/09/2009
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Bootstrap Budget? How to Build Your Business Online With Little Cost
by: Yolanda Allen
Building a home business can be costly, especially when it comes to online advertising. Frustration easily sets in when you feel like you’re not getting ahead and you don’t have the funds to generate leads.
However, the truth is that it doesn’t always take money to make money. Just because you have a shoestring budget doesn’t mean you’re at a disadvantage. Even if you’re on a limited budget, it’s still possible to generate traffic and leads. You just have to learn alternative marketing strategies that are low cost or even free. This requires you to develop new skills.
The best skills and strategies are the ones that will leverage your time and efforts over and over again for a long period of time. You want to avoid strategies that are inefficient (like cold calling, sending post cards, and buying leads) because they can only be used once and the return on investment is very minimal.
Mike Dillard, of Magnetic Sponsoring fame, has developed the ultimate business building guide for bootstrap budgets, called “Building on a Budget.”
“Building on a Budget” is a low cost, step-by-step guide for generating dozens of online leads for little to zero cost. The guide describes 5 simple, online, low cost or no cost strategies for driving traffic and leads to your website. The strategies are easy to follow and simple to learn, and are designed for network marketers on a tight budget.
The strategies are based on these 3 basic online truths:
1. There are millions of people searching the Internet looking for ways to make money.
2. You can gain the attention of these potential leads by properly positioning yourself.
3. The best way to get the attention of these potential leads is through the 5 methods Mike explains in his guide.
Additionally, the leads you generate using these methods are high quality leads and, these methods will work today, tomorrow, next year, the year after, and into the future.
“Building on a Budget” delivers a solution and a system anyone can use to build their business, whether they’re a beginner or veteran internet marketer. You can get massive results and actually build your business, putting you one step closer to financial freedom.
To get a taste of what “Building on a Budget” provides, Mike is offering a free video series, where he shows you how to build any home business for $500 or less.
I have watched these videos and purchased his book. I’ve been applying the techniques he teaches and I’m now generating leads using these little to no cost methods.
If you’re serious about online marketing using inexpensive means for driving exclusive traffic to your website, check out Mike’s videos at http://budurl.com/BudgetBuilding and seriously consider getting the best guide for “Building on a Budget.”
Happy Business Building,
About The Author
Yolanda Allen is a home based business expert specializing in a financial services and education product and marketing system, where you learn to be a master marketer. Learn how Yolanda’s business partner made over $140K in one month using this system. Yolanda’s on her way and now you can be too. http://YBAMarketing.com/?t=acbb.
Visit the author's web site at:
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Posted by Bentnwasted at 6/03/2009