I wanted to change careers back in the 1980's from retail management to construction.
At first I looked at going back to college for either an Associates Degree in Architecture, or a second Bachelors Degree. Both were very time consuming and costly. I kept reading about building construction, energy conservation, solar applications, etc.
I had already been involved in the Glass and Plastics industry for over five years as a manufacturer's rep, standardizing glazing systems and materials. I also had an opportunity to work with solar pioneer Steve Baer, of NM. I looked into getting back into that also. Then I spied an ad for an internship in a solar construction firm in Vermont. I packed up the family and one winter day drove for an interview.
I explained where I was coming from and where I wanted to go. The owner said to me, "Just do it".....yeah corny but that's what he said! (also the "internship" turned out to be unpaid....uh huh)
So I became an "Expert" in Solar Energy, and Energy conservation in Central NY. I designed and built a unique framing system for two passive solar homes and a classroom building at the community college, in addition built several large solar hot water heating systems and a hot air heating system. I taught courses at the community college and at an alternative high school. That was from 1982-1985. The houses and classroom building are still functioning and saving money from heating and cooling!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Becoming an Expert
Posted by Bentnwasted at 7/14/2007