Getting your blog off the ground is not as tricky as people make it out to be. If you follow some really basic steps then it can be as eating a piece of pie. I have found a couple great blogs that have taught be something very unique and extremely rare. What I have learned will benefit any and every blogger out there. Read on to find out more.
If you talk to bloggers about how many readers they had from the word go most of them will say absolutely NONE. They will tell you that it takes weeks if not months to get a small, simple blog off the ground and get people reading, reviewing, and subscribing to your blog. How would you like it if I told you that you did not have to weeks promoting your blog? How would you like it if you didn't even have to spend days promoting your blog?
Well I am going to tell you how you can get hundreds if not a thousand visitors to your blog in its first week. There are a few things that you will have to do. The steps are really simple to follow and you can either do it in one big load in one day or you can spread it out spending no more than half an hour or so a day over the span of about a couple weeks for best results.
Many bloggers will start out with one to five post on their first day and then post once a day or week. This is the first thing that they are doing wrong to get their blog off the ground. You ask all of the bloggers that have done this and they will tell you that it took a week to a month before they started to get readers.
Having five posts when your blog is started is not enough to get people to hang around and keep reading. You have to have enough posts pre-written so by the time your blog goes live you can post them all one after another. This will allow a visitor to be able to have a look around at what your writing and the more they read the higher the chance that they will subscribe or come back for more.
To get returning visitors from the start you have to have ATLEAST 20-30 post pre-written and ready to post as soon as your blog goes live. If you have 20-30 quality posts ready to go you can be assured that your visitors will stick around and read.
While researching blogs and blog promotion I came across something called Technorati Tagging. I had never seen this before and I didn't have a clue what they did so I looked into it further. I found out that Technorati Tags are actually able to deliver mass amounts of traffic. They way it works is as your writing your post when you come across a word that could categorize your post you add [tag] and close the word with a [/tag) (change the ) with a ]) around it. This will 'tag' that word and once your blog is pinged to Technorati your blog will be placed under the category of that word. When someone searches a word that you have tagged your blog will show up.
Social Bookmarking
You will definitely see results by social bookmarking. It is very simple and all it requires is a little time. All you simply have to do is notify them of your post :O that sounds so hard. I managed to find a great list of the best social bookmarking sites. Take your pick of these top 20. They are all great and will improve your search engine results greatly.
1. 30daytags
2. BlinkBits
3. BlogHop
4. BlogLot
5. BlogMarks
6. BlogMemes
7. BlogPulse
8. BmAccess
9. browsr
10. Fark
11. CiteULike
12. clipclip
13. clipmarks
14. Complore
15. Connectedy
16. Connotea
19. digg
20. diigo
Tell Other Bloggers
If you are after highly targeted traffic then this is a MUST. Before your blog goes live search through Google and other search engines for blog that are highly ranked on the topic you are writing on.
Create some personalised emails for each of the blogs you find (I recommend around 30-40 as you should recieve 75% positive results). Do not email the bloggers until you have made your initial posts.By notifying other bloggers about your blog you will get the 'word' out and you should recieve some good traffic and links from these other blogs.
You're Done!!
If you do all this correctly then not to long after you made our first post you should be receiving some quality views. This has to be the easiest web promotion for your blog ever. You will be receiving many return readers if you have followed these steps because the traffic is so targeted.
At we provide you with a great free directory to submit your links to and a complete section will soon be added with all the traffic generation tips and tricks you need!! We have added a free directory list so come check it out.
Article Source:
Monday, December 17, 2007
Simple Blog Web Promotion Ideas!!
Posted by Bentnwasted at 12/17/2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
How is that Holdiay Marketing Coming?
Another commercialized season is upon us. The same lights, some 5 year+ old TV commercials, same or similar sales and products! Ho Hum.....boreing! And everyone wonders why sales are slumping?
Could starting Christmas decorating before Halloween be a factor, or stores such as WalMart having decorations and trees up by the end of September? Duh!
Come on the unlimited growth and surge in consumption is over...we need to move to a sustainable economy!
Let's brainstorm some new ideas, level the playing field, (do we really need 50 different companies to have competition?), see what sustainabilty vs growth and conspicuous consumption may offer. Let's get creative. Lets survive.
Posted by Bentnwasted at 12/03/2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Three Easy But Inexpensive Business Marketing Tips
Lately businesses have suffered a slump due to the struggling regional economy and many business owners would want to promote and boost sales the cheap and inexpensive way. Business marketing would entail cost and owners and board of directors would want to keep it at the minimum to soften the influx of inbound and outbound cash flow.
There are many ways to deal with business marketing and everything lies with the premise of exposure and brand name mileage. It may be an advertisement on national television or a flyer distributed at a local pewee baseball game, this always leads to brand and business exposure.
Here are five easy and inexpensive tips that could get that mileage and give your business a sales boost.
Letterheads, Logo's and Emblem Envelops
As much as possible we would not want people scouring through our mail but having these business paraphernalia could make your business look more serious and professional. Logos on envelopes and stationeries can be noticed by third party individuals that might be looking for your services or products. It is important that you have a comprehensive paraphernalia design that can get messages across and not confuse your potential clients.
Press Releases and Infomercials
Many cable companies now offer there own channels as community billboard or an alternative to the local community channel and most of them would only be asking for just a fraction of what national television media are asking. Although having to narrowcast on the local area would mean fewer audiences but for a small local business it can be a huge impact since this is the only market that you cater to.
Local newspapers and magazines are open to press releases or an interestingly written informative article about your product. Media would need to research on interesting topics that they could fill their paper with for people to buy them and your product could be interesting enough to be featured on as an article or press release instead of advertising it. This could give a positive image to your company and product.
Sponsoring Community Based Activities
Having a business to sponsor a community activity may be one of the hardest to measure in terms of brand impact and recall. Though it may be hard to quantify and could be impossible to measure, it is one of the oldest tricks in marketing books. This business activity can promote brand loyalty among the society.
Another impact that can be enjoyed by this is the news about the sports event that carries your name, and it would be best to sponsor the team that has the highest chance of winning since everybody loves a winner.
Brand marketing strategies require patience and perseverance in achieving good results based on your budget. Everything is about timing, a good business marketing mix that is not well thought about or planned can lead to disaster with financial as well as moral losses. So be wary before spending your budget, because there is no half-way, either you push it-giving 100% support to your business marketing or not pushing it at all.
About the Author:
James Brown writes about coupon code, SnapMonkey bargains
Read more articles by: James Brown
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Article published on November 28, 2007 at
Posted by Bentnwasted at 11/27/2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Holidays are coming......... Shop till you drop!
OMG, they started Holiday (Christmas) decorations the first of November here in the NW. The town tree is up, and the lighting ceremony is this Friday. all the stores are decorated for the season, snow is highly unlikely. Some ads are calling for a "Pre-Thanksgiving Day Sale", and then of course Friday is "Black Friday"...won't see me in any mall or store that day, or even that weekend.
I think commercialism is an addiction, much like tobacco or drugs. Shop till you drop, or are broke, buying crap you don't need, just to buy.
A "sustainable economy" under the current economic system here in the USA and probably most of the world, is highly unlikely! For example, thanks to surpluses/poor quality control/mass production, I have a brand new $150+ "Columbia" high tech winter coat. They are given out to the homeless (me). The real funny part is everything seems to be made in Thailand, China, or Malaysia...but hey it's an "American" company! Uh Huh. Maybe there would not be 3,000,000+ homeless/unemployed in the US if things were actually manufactured here.
Posted by Bentnwasted at 11/19/2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
The Coming Economic Collapse
It's coming within the next five years. Recession, depression, economic collapse is as inevitable as the sun rising each morning.
The current level of the world economy is unsustainable, and humans are unable and unwilling to change. Change to prevent Global Collapse by moving to sustainable economies vs growth oriented requires a new paradigm. People in the USA can't even adopt the Metric System that the rest of the world uses, let alone make such a leap of mindset.
In addition the threat of nuclear terrorism and nuclear war is almost imminent the present time, let alone in the next five years, with the possible fall of Pakistan into a radical Muslim nation and a supply of nuclear weapons!
Israel or even India may take preemptive action against not only Pakistan, but also Iran. The resulting global panic will speed the economic collapse.
Blind optimists see it all as a "temporary" setback, and that things from employment to housing will surely improve. Realists, such as myself, see the ongoing loss of high paying jobs, exported jobs, a service economy, as signs of the end.
The sky is falling, just get out of the way!
Posted by Bentnwasted at 11/09/2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Homeless Marketing
There is approximately, depending on which source you choose to believe, 3,750,000 homeless people in the USA. Several thousand in most major cities.
While homeless, many of these folks are also consumers, they buy things. mostly necessities, but also many other different products. Of course alcohol and cigarettes, pouch tobacco and rolling papers come to mind.
But they also need services...medical, social. substance abuse, counseling, etc.
At least half, by my estimation are getting, SSI, SS, or some other type of government assistance, and there for monthly income. A good portion are VETs, and may utilize VA Loans, etc.
Could this be a missed marketing opportunity? There is at least one "Homeless Newspaper" here in the city, informational posters, emails (shelters have computers and many emails...I am typing this post from a shelter), pamphlets, etc.
Marketing and advertising can be directed at not only the homeless, but also the providers of homeless services. Government grants or "goodwill" social funding may be available for funding. This may be an untapped significant niche market. A market worth investigation.
Posted by Bentnwasted at 11/06/2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
How To Choose Trade Show Equipment
I previously worked for a Exhibit Manufacturer, as well as Exposystems and Expo Communications back in the mid 1970's. It's a highly competitive world and basicly one driven by price! I did have some class A clients though, like State of NM, Coors Brewing CO, Eagle Claw Fishing Tackle, etc.
Many companies understand the importance of attending a tradeshow. However when it comes to choosing the type of equipment that is needed to make a good impression at the tradeshow, many companies are at a loss, and what is needed to be made clear is that there are essentially two choices when it comes to choosing tradeshow equipment, and that is between custom tradeshow equipment and the ready-made variety. This article will look at the two types and discuss some considerations that need to be made when choosing display equipment for a tradeshow booth.
For the booth itself, the difference between a custom-made booth and a ready-made booth is a large one, both in terms of cost and the impression that it will make. A custom-made tradeshow booth is extremely expensive, but the impression that it will make will be extremely powerful to the attending tradeshow delegates, and the booth will fit in exactly what the marketing message that you wish to convey. A ready-made booth will be much cheaper, but the impression that it will make maybe nowhere near as strong as one made by a custom-built booth, since many of the elements that are used to construct the booth may well be used by other exhibitors at the same tradeshow.
When it comes to display equipment, much of the same thinking as that which applies to choosing the booth itself applies here as well. Custom-made display equipment, such as stages, pedestals, and the product display cabinets, are extremely expensive, but yet will produce a very strong corporate image. On the other hand, ready-made display equipment will be much cheaper but with a correspondingly weaker corporate impression.
However, much ready-made display equipment can be customized to a certain extent by the addition of corporate graphics and other corporate insignia. For instance, many off the available banner stands look very much alike, and will likely be used by many other exhibitors at the same tradeshow. In order to make the banner stand look original all that is needed is to add your corporate graphics and some other powerful marketing materials. This is where the services of a good graphic designer can be invaluable. More information on choosing display equipment can be found at
As can be seen, the choice is of which tradeshow equipment to use is a fairly simple one and is essentially one of choosing between custom-made or ready made display equipment or the tradeshow booth itself. Keep this simple advice in mind when you're looking at display equipment for your tradeshow booth, and remember that if you exhibit rarely it may be better to do for the cheaper option, and leave the custom-built expensive options to companies who exhibited at tradeshows regularly.
Source: Free Articles from
Carl Formby owns and operates, a website dedicated to information about Display Stands">Display Stands>
Posted by Bentnwasted at 11/01/2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Starting a Home Business Using the Internet
Starting a home business I not an easy task and to make things harder there are so many myths attached to starting a home business that it can become quite confusing. Some people get an idea in their head and just take off. Starting a business for them is easy. The majority of people, however, end up having the desire to start a home business before the actual business idea comes to them. Once they begin thinking about actually starting a home based business they are overcome with many myths that make it seem next to impossible to succeed.
One of the biggest myths about starting a home business is associated with the internet. The internet has opened many doors to home business owners, but at the same time the complexity of the internet has caused many to give up and abandon hope that they can ever get a business to be successful. Many people believe that the internet is a vast marketplace that is too he to compete in. That is simply not true. There are many small home businesses that are doing great on the internet. It is all a matter of knowing how to run a business website. A person has to understand about marketing and setting up a website. Once they've established their online presence they can make great money.
Another internet related myth about starting a home business is that there is no help available for the business owner. Anyone who has went to a search engine and typed in business will now this is not true. There are online networks of websites that are all aimed at helping people succeed in internet business. These people offer free information and plenty of support. A person can find answers to almost any question they have and even talk to others who have started their own business. The internet business environment is one of helping others.
One myth that may hold some truth is that marketing online is impossible. While it is, obviously, not impossible it can be difficult for the beginner. Starting a home business online requires plenty of research into internet marketing. The marketing tools used online are very different from those used in the traditional environment. A person has to understand how to drive traffic to their website and how to catch the attention of their target market. As mentioned above, there are plenty of resources available to help a person get their marketing plan in order.
These myths about starting a business all make it look impossible to tap into the internet marketplace. These myths are quite untrue and should be ignored. It does take hard work and dedication to start any business, but using the internet just opens up a business to a huge marketplace and offers additional opportunities that a traditional, offline business does not have. It is worth it for every business owner to look into the internet when starting a home business.
Source: - Free Articles Directory
About the Author
Dustin Cannon is owner of and writes on a variety of subjects related to home business. To learn more about home business Dustin recommends that you visit:
Posted by Bentnwasted at 10/16/2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Promotion Strategies: Save with a Marketing PodCast
I have been wanting to try this and when i get my computer back on-line, I'll see what I can do!
Just a few years ago, radio was the way to get audio announcements out about your business and a marketing PodCast was nonexistent. Today, the marketing PodCast as a promotion strategy will revolutionize getting your message out but to a wider audience and at much cheaper production costs. The marketing PodCast is derived from the Apple iPod product and is an excellent way to promote your business as part of your overall promotional and marketing efforts.
A marketing PodCast can be subscribed to via RSS
RSS stands for real simple syndication and it is what makes a marketing PodCast easy to subscribe to. What people like about RSS feeds for their marketing PodCast is that the feed viewer is somewhat like an email client. However one can only choose what feed he or she wants. The information updates constantly from the website providing the feed.
To put this in simpler terms, think of the alternatives. If you have a marketing presentation that is recorded on a traditional .mp3 file, you have to notify your subscriber base to download the new file each time it changes. With a marketing PodCast, your subscribers will automatically get a notification through a RSS feed and a software application known as a PodCast aggregator will collect the updates without any intervention on the part of the user.
A marketing PodCast is like a radio ad
Anyone can create a marketing PodCast and publish it. It is very much like a radio advertisement except that your audience is now global. Another thing different about the marketing PodCast when compared to radio is that the listeners can filter out what they want to hear and what they do not want to hear. They do this by viewing the descriptions on the RSS feeds that tell the subject. It is better to get an audience in your marketing PodCast of people who actually have some interest in your product or service as they will be listening better.
A marketing PodCast can be listened to at any time
Radio ads have to be scheduled. Your marketing PodCast can be listened to at any time and from anywhere in the world. So when you have an update in a marketing PodCast all you do is have to put it on our server and let the subscribers get it at any time they like.
You don’t need an iPod to view a marketing PodCast
If you have a personal computer and want to enjoy a marketing PodCast offered, all you have to do is download the iTunes manager from Apple. This software is a PodCast aggregator much like an RSS feed aggregator that will bring all the marketing PodCast feeds you subscribe to into one central location and keep them updated. It runs in the Windows system tray and can be set to check for a new marketing PodCast in each of your feeds daily, hourly, or at a manual interval.
Be careful with your marketing PodCast
Not everyone has top-of-the-line computers or high-speed internet connections so make sure your marketing PodCast is optimized so as not to require a lot of system resources to play. Nothing can do more damage to the message you are trying to relay with your marketing PodCast then to have a file so large that these users will not benefit from it.
Source: Free Articles from
Matt D Murren owns and operates Promotion Strategies
Posted by Bentnwasted at 10/11/2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Podcasting Used As a Business Marketing Tool by Media Publishing Giant Simon & Schuster
This is something I have considered for some time and am interested in doing once I get settled in my new location, get a new computer, and an "office"!
Podcasting has hit the marketing world big time with the recent launch of a new podcast by Simon & Schuster. I was recently involved in a consulting role with a podcasting project with publishing giant Simon and Schuster and their website They are using this podcast RSS feed to interview world famous authors and have authors read excerpts from their books. This is a brilliant marketing strategy for their website, authors, products and brand.
They are actually using the podcast to promote the products that they publish. This is a very innovative business marketing strategy. They are publishing 30 minute podcast shows every week. This allows potential consumers to get exposure to their products. This will create increased interest in their products. This will in turn drive sales and increase the branding for their business. This professionally produced podcast series of shows will undoubtedly become a favorite of many consumers.
It is also noteworthy to mention that you do not need an iPod to listen to a podcast. You can simply listen to podcasts on your desktop computer. You can subscribe to podcast feeds with Yahoo, iTunes, Mozilla Firefox, Google Desktop Search Toolbar 2.0, or any variety of desktop podcast RSS feed reader software tools.
The business benefits of a proper podcast marketing strategy can be quite immense. Podcasting is another business communication and marketing tool that allows businesses to communicate with their target market. Subscribers to the podcasts RSS feed will automatically receive new podcasts when they are published. Businesses that create podcasts can have a direct communication and marketing channel online.
Having a quality professional podcast that delivers value added exclusive content can increase your online visibility. Search engines such as Google will index podcasts feeds, Blog and podcast directories will list podcast feeds, and targeted traffic will subscribe to thos e podcast feeds. Let's also remember that a quality podcast has the opportunity to be listed in the iTunes podcast directory and found by over 40 million users.
Leveraging podcasting as a business promotion and marketing tool is going to be part of the business landscape online for years to come. When media giants such as CBS, Viacom, and countless other business giants such as IBM and Oracle are podcasting; you can bet money that this marketing media format is here to stay.
Your business should give serious consideration to creating a podcast marketing strategy with experienced professionals in this field. This is a marketing and communication medium that your business will want to execute and leverage for maximum marketing and business benefit online.
You may want to read an informative white paper about this new business marketing technology. You can read this white paper at
Author Bio
Rodney Rumford is the founder of and is a business marketing consultant specializing in new media marketing tools such as Podcasting and Business Blogs. He is also co-founder of
Article Source: - Free Website Content
Posted by Bentnwasted at 9/23/2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
OK, I have been marketing my blogs since April 2007. I have them reviewed, posted to search engines, have big name affiliated advertisers such as Dell, Amazon, etc. and have not made one dime in commissions or sales.
I have read books, articles, etc. about logging, and as a former sales/marketing person, know something about the subject, I think. I don't get it......literally.
I think my ideas are as interesting as anyone else's, my web sites as attractive and functional, yet seem to get no traffic.
I tried reciprocal affiliated advertising sites and all I got was about 500 emails a day about everyone else's “junk”. I canceled that almost instantly.
Any suggestions?
Posted by Bentnwasted at 9/17/2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Bum Marketing - How To Find A Niche
One of the most difficult tasks for most Bum Marketers seems to be finding a niche that’s profitable, but doesn’t have a ton of competition. One of the main reasons I believe they have a hard time is partially because they’re not exactly sure what a niche is. According to Wikipedia…“A niche market is a focused, targetable portion (subset) of a market sector.By definition, then, a business that focuses on a niche market is addressing a need for a product or service that is not being addressed by mainstream providers.
A niche market may be thought of as a narrowly defined group of potential customers.A distinct niche market usually evolves out of a market niche, where potential demand is not met by any supply.Such ventures are profitable because of disinterest on the part of large businesses and/or lack of awareness on the part of other small companies.
The key to capitalizing on a niche market is to find or develop a market niche that has customers who are accessible, that is growing fast enough, and that is not owned by one established vendor already.
”Although exercise is by definition not a niche, a subset of exercise such as lower back exercises could be a niche."
But is it profitable? You bet, but it also had a modest amount of competition.With Bum Marketing, the goal is to find a niche where there isn’t a lot of competition, but there are enough buyers to make it profitable. If there’s a ton of competitors around, it’s going to be that much more difficult to dominate the niche and show up in search results. But on the other hand, if there aren’t enough people actively searching for a product similar to the one you’re promoting, as a result you’re not going to make many sales and earn much in the way of income. You need to find a healthy balance of the two and for most people, that’s one of the harder and more time consuming aspects of Bum Marketing.
So where do you find a niche that has enough buyers but not enough sellers? The easiest way is to look around you and your life. Look for and identify a problem that you’ve had or people around you have and find a solution to it. Ideally you’ll want to write about something you already know about so you don’t waste precious time with research and fact finding. Maybe you lost some files on your computer recently and needed to buy file recovery software. You probably didn’t buy the very first software program you came across – you likely compared them a little including differences in price, features/benefits, ease of use and so on. File recovery software is a niche that you know enough about from your research you should be able to write 5 or so articles on it.
Some other placed that I regularly get ideas from include online forums, television, newspapers, advertisements, conversations, wanted ads and so on. Or if you’re really stuck, you could even go to eBay or Google and search for private label rights niche articles to get good ideas for topics. You can buy them if you like, then simply rewrite the articles to save time, or you can just borrow the niche or topics and write your own from scratch.All in all, simply keep your eyes and ears open and a pen and paper handy, and you’ll come across more niches than you could ever utilize.
Source: Free Articles from
Justin Michie is an internet marketing entrepreneur, small business coach and author of Street Smart Internet Marketing.
If you're interested in earning $1,000+ per month, per niche using advanced Bum Marketing methods, be sure to grab a copy of his Advanced Bum Marketing Tactics & Techniques Report.
Or for some more free Bum Marketing articles, resources and tips you can check out his Bum Marketing Blog.
Posted by Bentnwasted at 9/11/2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Identity Theft...Sign That Damn Card !
Guarding Against Fraud (from the FTC)
Here are some tips to help protect yourself from credit and charge card fraud.
Sign your cards as soon as they arrive. Carry your cards separately from your wallet, in a zippered compartment, a business card holder, or another small pouch.
Keep a record of your account numbers, their expiration dates, and the phone number and address of each company in a secure place.
Keep an eye on your card during the transaction, and get it back as quickly as possible.
Void incorrect receipts.
Destroy carbons.
Save receipts to compare with billing statements.
Open bills promptly and reconcile accounts monthly, just as you would your checking account.
Report any questionable charges promptly and in writing to the card issuer.
Notify card companies in advance of a change in address.
Lend your card(s) to anyone.
Leave cards or receipts lying around.
Sign a blank receipt. When you sign a receipt, draw a line through any blank spaces above the total.
Write your account number on a postcard or the outside of an envelope.
Give out your account number over the phone unless you're making the call to a company you know is reputable. If you have questions about a company, check it out with your local consumer protection office or Better Business Bureau.
Posted by Bentnwasted at 8/31/2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Drug Advertising & Made Up Diseases.......Oh My!
CBS Sunday Morning, revealed today, something, I've long suspected. The drug companies and their advertising honchos make up diseases to sell drugs!
RLS or Restless Leg Syndrome was a fine example. Just one of hundreds of diseases that did not exist when I was younger!
The other amazing revelation was that all drug advertising on TV is banned world wide, except in New Zealand, and of course the USA! And New Zealand is considering a ban!
I once worked for a pharmaceutical company in Ft Collins Colorado. It was the most corrupt, greedy, and immoral place I have ever worked. It should have been run by the Mafia instead of the Southern Baptists that actually ran it.........many who where graduates of Virginia Military Institute (VMI).
This company violated most SEC laws and rules, as well as FDA regulations...........OK, they lied, big time. It was all for money....big money. The biggest joke of all on investors was the drugs the company was built on didn't work........or in fact caused cancer........all are off the market. The company was sold and everyone who lied, became millionaires!
Maybe I should go see that new Michael Moore movie?
Posted by Bentnwasted at 8/21/2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Identity Theft Part 3
OK, finally I asked a customer in the store I work in where they learned the idiotic practice of not signing their credit/debit cards.or writing "see ID" instead of a signature. The Internet they tell me! Uh Huh.
The number one thing all credit card companies say to prevent fraud and identity theft is , "Sign your cards".........I feel this also needs to be a readable signature, not some flourish that is unreadable like a doctors writing!
Aside from shredding documents, stopping unwanted mail and card offers, how about limiting how many cards you carry?? No one needs 24-36 credit cards!
Oh, and how about stop writing checks? You have a check card, hello? The "float" is over...use a check card dummy! Also, since so many merchants have huge problems with check fraud, many, at least in Colorado Springs, have stopped accepting checks! I can think of no reason to use a check in a retail store.
Most major credit card issuers have "zero liability" for fraudulent purchases....MasterCard, American Express, and Visa! If your card doesn't do this, don't use it!
Posted by Bentnwasted at 8/12/2007
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Cash Businesses are Losing Billions to Employee Theft
I have been in retail for over 20 years, and I'll never believe employees are the major cause of loss!
The bookstore I work for searches your back packs,lunch pails, etc. every day or every time you leave the store! You have to ask permission to go to the bathroom over a walkie-talkie! It is embarrassing, and despicable...and rude. If you think someone is a thief, fire them! Don't subject all the honest employees to ridicule
If you are a retail business owner or manager, be assured of one thing: employees are stealing from you. This article offers pragmatic tips you can put into action immediately to stem employee theft loses.
If you are a retail business owner or manager, be assured of one thing: employees are stealing from you. Employee theft is costing you and your fellow business owners billions of dollars annually.
The National Restaurant Association estimates that employees are responsible for 75% of inventory shortages--and that they steal what amounts to four percent of sales in restaurants. That alone amounts to over $20 billion in employee theft. The US Department of Commerce says 75 percent of employees steal from the workplace at least once--and half of those steal repeatedly. Why? Because no one catches them!
Many owners and managers already suspect they have a theft problem--but they don't really believe it could be their employees--especially if they themselves are honest people. Why would an employee steal?
But think like the employee. They often make minimum wage, and struggle financially. Maybe they're not taking cash--just walking out the door with food or liquor. They may even justify it by saying "everybody does it." This behavior is so widespread that--worst of all--they even may assume that management knows about it and is doing nothing.
Here's how to make a big dent in theft:
o Track Employee Sales
Dishonest employees count on owners and managers to not be paying attention. If the boss doesn't take the time to review the accounting and track individual employee sales, it makes it easier to skim cash.
Audit the cash to look for patterns. During a shift take a current reading, remove the register drawer and replace it with a fresh one. If one employee's cash register is always over or under by a large amount, or if the cash isn't adding up to what the register reading says, it should be a red flag. Share audit results with the staff. Just putting employees on notice that they could be audited at any time will discourage many of them from stealing, especially if the company is consistent about it. (And the boss could put a positive twist on it, by offering a reward to any employee who balances to the penny.)
o Work Side By Side With Employees
Pick one day a week to work behind the counter. Be sure to work with each employee. Is there a difference in sales for that day? Are the numbers always higher when the manager works? In a bar, restaurant or other cash retailer, this may mean an employee is pocketing some sales, or giving away food and drinks (or merchandise) to friends. (Don't reach any conclusions, however, until there's at least a month or so of results to analyze.)
o Trust But Verify
Review employees' schedules, their total sales, their "no sales" and their daily sales over several weeks and note which days they work. Then give the highest grossing employee an unexpected schedule change. What happens to the shift he or she left should provide interesting data. If sales increase for that shift, you may find that what looks like the best salesperson could also be the biggest source of employee theft. The busiest shifts are the easiest times to steal. Doing this with the lowest grossing sales person may provide more insight, too.
In the restaurant or bar business, this can be an eye-opener. A very busy bar may turn out to be the result of a bartender who is giving away drinks. Why not? He gets big tips--and frequently is rewarded by an owner who thinks the employee is generating big business!
These simple steps not only can minimize employee theft, but can provide a manager with useful insights. But if the company still appears to have a major problem, turn to an expert--someone who can identify what's happening when the manager isn't around. An undercover observer--whether a licensed investigator or a mystery shopper--can help catch the dishonest employee who's simply smart enough to keep his eye out for the boss.
Where there's one, there may be more
One final piece of advice: Never assume "the problem is solved"--or even that the worst offenders have been stopped. Nonetheless, by showing that you are serious about employee theft, you may discourage all but the most determined thieves--and reinforce the honest employees. The key is to be consistent and thorough.
Article Source:
Posted by Bentnwasted at 8/05/2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The Pros And Cons In Establishing An Ebay Store
Hmmmmm? I have still not been paid by the eBay/PayPal fiasco of selling my car on ebay on July 3 rd. I am sooo dubious!
Ebay has provided some amazing opportunities for many people to earn online. This widely popular auction site has become the primary destination for users who wish to purchase anything - ranging from tangible products to digital items - hence making eBay a website visited by millions of people every day. Because of the volume of transactions happening in its pages, eBay has also become a virtual market place where thousands, if not millions, of dollars exchange hands on a daily basis as well.
Do you want a piece of that big, big pie?
Then you must first have to establish an eBay store.
Now, this is not a strong recommendation. This article is not meant as a sales pitch for a membership with eBay, rather, it seeks to present the advantages and disadvantages of building your own eBay store. You must remember that eBay isn't the only place where you could peddle your goods. It is a good place where you could sell your items, but there are other alternatives you could consider. Should you settle with eBay? Or should you explore the alternative options? Let's study the matter more closely.
There are most certainly a lot of benefits that could be gained from establishing your own eBay store. Let's take a look at them.
* You'd be able to sell in a hotly visited environment. You'll be able to expose your products to a wide array of prospects.
* Once you have upgraded to a Featured Store, you'd be given $30 worth of PPC keywords per month. This means that your store would appear prominently in the results for the particular keywords that users will search for. Such would most certainly drive more traffic to your auctions.
* A Featured Store would also deliver some advanced reports for your auctions. You could use the statistics delineated therein to improve the way you construct your sales pages, and the way you present your items for better efficiency in your future offers.
* A Featured Store will also allow you more eBay pages, which would mean more exposure for your products. It's still a numbers game. The more auctions you have running, the more earning opportunities you could capitalize on.
* A Featured Store would allow you to reduce the size of the eBay banner appearing in your every auction. This would give you the chance to work on your page and bring the focus of your visitors to the items you will be selling.
* Ebay provides a certain level of seller protection and dispute resolution for potential problems you might encounter with your buyers.
Though these are great advantages for your online business, please bear in mind that they do not come without cost. There are also other disadvantages that are attached to having your own eBay store.
* Ebay stores don't come free. A basic store setup would cost $15.95 per month. A Featured Store status would cost an even higher $49.95 per month. And the king of all kings, an Anchor Store, would require you to spend an onerous $499.95 per month.
* Having your own eBay store would pressure you to perform well when it comes to your sales. Though some may consider this as a benefit since such will motivate the seller to plan his course of action, the dangers will be experienced when you fail to earn enough profit to cover the cost of your subscription.
* People go to eBay expecting the best deals in the online market. You have to compete at this level, otherwise, the moment people would see the going rate for your auction, they'd immediately hop to the next item up for sale.
* You'd be bound by eBay's selling policies. You cannot go around some of these restrictive policies, otherwise, you account can get suspended, or worse, terminated.
Establishing an eBay store is a solid choice for a business model. But you have to determine your goals as well as your marketing plan. Would an eBay store help you accomplish them? Or would selling your own goods in your own website, or through some affiliate automation program like , or be better for your online business?
The choice is yours.
NOTE: You have full permission to reprint this article within your website or newsletter as long as you leave the article fully intact and include the "About The Author" resource box. Thanks! :-
About the Author
Nial Robbins owns the work at home directory website located at: Come by and visit us today! Also, be sure to check out our "top pick" work at home opportunity at:
Posted by Bentnwasted at 7/31/2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Strategic vs. Tacticle Marketing
Most people mistakenly assume that when you talk about marketing, you're automatically talking about "Tactical" marketing - placing ads, generating leads, sending out mailers,attending trades shows, creating brochures, implementing a follow-up system, and so forth.
They fail to realize that the "Strategic" side of the coin - what you say, how you say it, and who you say it to - is almost always MORE important than the marketing medium of WHERE you say it.
So, What's The Difference Between Strategic And Tactical Marketing?
The distinction between the two is huge. "Tactical Marketing" is the execution of your marketing plan, such as generating leads, placing media, creating marketing tools, and implementinga follow-up system. In other words, it's the medium in which your message is delivered.
"Strategic Marketing" has to do with what you say, how you say it, and who you say it to. In other words, it's the content of your marketing message.
Strategic Marketing starts with understanding your customers andthe things that are important to them, understanding "WHY John Smith buys".
"If You Want To Know WHY John Smith Buys What John Smith Buys, You've Got To See The World THROUGH John Smith's Eyes."
Just putting a marketing message in an appropriate medium for John Smith to hear or read is not good enough. The strategy must derive from an understanding of what's important to John Smith. Otherwise, this tactical part of the marketing process will be much less effective, resulting in ads that under-perform.
Many companies try to figure out how to sell more before they find out how to provide a solution to their consumers' needs. The procedure for accomplishing this is exactly the same everysingle time, for every kind of business.
It's The Advertiser's Job To Pay Attention To Human Nature.Buyers Always Want To Make The Best Decision Possible.
Strategically, marketing programs and advertising should get theattention of target market prospects and facilitate their decision-making. This lowers their risk for taking the next step in the buying process.
By understanding what's important to your target market, you can then put together a strategy that gets more qualified prospects to call, reduces your sales cycle, and increases your conversion ratios.
AFTER the strategy is in place, the tactical execution simply consists of testing and implementing your strategic plan.
Get a FREE Comprehensive Tactical Marketing Checklist, simply email your request to and ensure that you are considering all of the different types oftactical marketing resources you should consider.
May your marketing efforts be profitable.
About The Author:
James Bell, the author, teaches business owners, entrepreneurs,and professionals how to acheive bigger, bottom line results from their advertising & marketing efforts without spending moretime, effort, or money. Learn marketing strategies and tactics to separate yourself from your competition and become the obvious choice to do business with. To learn more about how to improve your own Marketing Efforts and Achieve Better Results, visit: Email:
Read more articles by: James Bell
Article Source:
Posted by Bentnwasted at 7/29/2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Retail...Worker Exploitation?
Wow, it sure is difficult to make the switch from a benevolent major financial services company to the world of retail in a mall.
No overtime, no benefits, no complimentary food or parties or luncheons. Harry Potter book release was a disgusting view of greed........"up sell this, up sell that"..........yet can't even give people free water?? Oh snacks for the employees working until 3:00 AM. Wow.
At the financial services companies, we had team outings to the ball park, bowling, plays, lunch at nice resturants, like "Ruth Chrisis' Steak House", huge Christmas Parties at upscale restaurants and or hotels and cool entertainment. Not to mention thousands of dollars in bonuses and incentive pay!
Posted by Bentnwasted at 7/24/2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Becoming an Expert
I wanted to change careers back in the 1980's from retail management to construction.
At first I looked at going back to college for either an Associates Degree in Architecture, or a second Bachelors Degree. Both were very time consuming and costly. I kept reading about building construction, energy conservation, solar applications, etc.
I had already been involved in the Glass and Plastics industry for over five years as a manufacturer's rep, standardizing glazing systems and materials. I also had an opportunity to work with solar pioneer Steve Baer, of NM. I looked into getting back into that also. Then I spied an ad for an internship in a solar construction firm in Vermont. I packed up the family and one winter day drove for an interview.
I explained where I was coming from and where I wanted to go. The owner said to me, "Just do it".....yeah corny but that's what he said! (also the "internship" turned out to be unpaid....uh huh)
So I became an "Expert" in Solar Energy, and Energy conservation in Central NY. I designed and built a unique framing system for two passive solar homes and a classroom building at the community college, in addition built several large solar hot water heating systems and a hot air heating system. I taught courses at the community college and at an alternative high school. That was from 1982-1985. The houses and classroom building are still functioning and saving money from heating and cooling!
Posted by Bentnwasted at 7/14/2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
The Expert Advantage: Why It Pays to Establish Yourself as an Expert
Have you ever felt a jolt of envy to see a competitor – or even a friend – grinning up at you from a newspaper or trade publication?
It kills you, doesn't it?
And you know why: you need to become that authority. Prospects will gravitate to the authority on a subject they are interested in.
If you can establish yourself as an expert in your industry, qualified prospects will be attracted to you. Why?
Everybody wants to do business with an expert.
As an entrepreneur, a majority of your focus is always on securing new customers. While it is true that your repeat clients are the backbone of your success, you need to add new clients to your existing client base if you want your business to grow.
You must learn to sell yourself as an expert. When potential buyers see you as a knowledgeable professional whose opinions and guidance truly matter, they are more likely to hand over their hard-earned money.
There are several ways to position yourself as an expert in the eyes of the public. The first thing you have to do is:
Be Confident in Your Expertise
Stop taking your skills for granted. You know a lot more than you think you know.
It's self-confidence that plays a large part in determining your happiness through life.
And self-confidence is a necessary ingredient for success because it sells. It's something you can sense about a person upon entering a room. It's evident through body language and speech. If your confidence is lacking, try these tips:
Set goals and create a plan to achieve them Use powerful affirmations such as “I am the expert;’ “My information is valuable;’ and “People desire to work with me.’ Practice confidence by emulating others. Take a look at the people who you think are the most confident. Try to find things they do in their body language and tone of voice to mimic until you find your own style. Be prepared. Create a Powerful Brand
In an overcrowded marketplace, if you're not standing out, then you're invisible.
The best way to captivate your audience is with an authentic and powerful personal brand. The benefits of a strong personal branding will give you an edge over your competition and enhance your value in the global marketplace.
Branding identifies and differentiates you, your business and your products and services so you stand out from the crowd and get noticed.
Once you have a powerful personal brand, the next step is to consistently communicate it through your brand identity: logo, business cards, letterhead, web site, invoices and any other outward communications you have.
Put it in Writing
We have all heard the saying, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound?’ If you are sharing your expertise and no one hears it or reads it, does it make a difference?
There are several ways to build your reputation just by writing about what you know best.
Whether you're telling readers how to grow gargantuan tomatoes or how to stay out of trouble with the IRS, “how to’ articles are an excellent way to call attention to your talents and establish yourself as an expert. They give you dozens of column inches that you might not be able to afford if you had to pay for an ad. They draw traffic to your web site. And if your articles are compelling and convincing, they can lead to thousands of dollars in sales for your products or services.
People love solutions so try to start with quick tips sheets. For example, I wrote an article titled “5 Tips to Quickly and Easily Improve Your Brand Identity’. Then as you become more comfortable with writing, try a positioning piece where you comment on an industry trend with your thoughts. Provide your expert opinion.
Electronic newsletters are one of the most profitable ways to build your credibility to establish yourself as an expert. More commonly known as eZines, they let you offer helpful advice, market to a global audience, communicate easily with thousands of people as often as you wish, and promote what you're selling. All that without expensive postage or printing costs, an advertising budget, keeping track of subscription renewals, or other tasks associated with print newsletters.
Your eZine, distributed 1-4 times per month, will become a portfolio of your work and showcase your expertise.
I highly recommend using an email contact program like . They are inexpensive, look professional, and can help you track what works in your campaigns and what doesn't.
Catapult your business to a higher level by writing a book. Speakers, consultants, coaches, therapists and other small business owners are learning that publishing a book is one of the most powerful marketing strategies available. A book has the greatest potential to open doors.
There are two routes to go with book writing. The first is the traditional publishing route. This is a long and arduous process, however, being published by a well-known publishing house is like the “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.'
The other avenue is to self publish with a company like iUniverse. If you don't feel like you have the time and energy to take on a whole book yourself, you can also create an anthology of works from a combination of authors.
This year I launched my own publishing company Inspiration Place Publishing ä which published my latest book, an anthology, “ Visionary Women Inspiring the World: 12 Paths to Personal Power.’
Get on Your Soapbox
You may never see your name in lights or dazzle the crowd at Carnegie Hall. Yet there's no doubt that you can achieve celebrity status among the people who matter most to your target market when you start presenting.
This kind of "stardom" means prospects recognize your name as soon as they hear or read it, you are looked upon as an expert in a particular area, and your business is 100% referral-based. The benefits of this kind of business are obvious: extraordinary credibility that leads to countless introductions and natural, easy prospecting conversations plus the bonus of knowing you are truly outstanding in your field.
And doing presentations is lucrative. According to the Internal Revenue Service, “Those who speak about their industry earn an average of 50% more than those who don't.’
Public speaking
Public speaking enhances your credibility and your reputation as an expert while providing important information to your target audience. It is important that your speech does not turn into "sales pitches." Keep references to your company's products and services low-key while personally projecting your desired image. The key to successful speaking is making sure that you are in front of the right audience and then provide value to them.
When you are giving a speech make sure you do the following:
Inform your audience on your subject. Establish yourself as an expert and a resource for further information. Encourage your audience to take action. Create a compelling leave behind with information about your product or service offerings. Perhaps include an article you have written. Collect their information through business cards or a raffle for a free hour of consulting or a product. Ideas for getting the word out that you are available as a speaker:
Create a speaking resume that includes your bio and three compelling talks that you can give. You can see a copy of my speaking resume at Send your speaking resume to professional trade organizations, civic groups or non-profit organizations. Send announcement letters or network to let groups know that you are available and which topics you can address. Hold Your Own Seminar or Tele-Seminar
Another venue to speak publicly is by holding your own seminar or tele-seminar. Create a program based upon your expertise and promote it heavily.
While giving the seminar, make sure that you use a system like Dan Janal's Great Teleseminars ( ) to record the program so you can turn it into an audio product for passive revenue.
Become a Media Magnet
I worked in publicity for more than ten years and first hand saw the power of the media. Publicity is mention in the media. Organizations usually have little control over the message in the media, at least, not as they do in advertising. Regarding publicity, reporters and writers decide what will be said. This can be a little scary, however, this is exactly what leads to your credibility. And, PR is free, unlike advertising.
When you are quoted in the media it is another expert seal of approval. Each time you have a story to share or an announcement to make, consider which of the following media relations vehicles would be most helpful:
News Release Pitches Bylined Articles Special Events Contests, Quizzes Seminars/conferences Fundraisers Ribbon-cuttings/groundbreakings, open houses, etc. New product launches A news release is your most important publicity tool for securing story placements. It serves to assist an editor or reporter in writing a story and should tell your story in a simple, factual, straight-forward and informative manner (infusing your personality, as long as it doesn't take away from communicating your key points and product features).
It's important to pay attention to details when preparing a news release. In my e-book Profitable Public Relations I detail how to write an effective news release and pitch it to the journalist.
Another excellent way of attracting the attention of reporters and editors is to write a pitch letter. A pitch letter is a brief letter outlining a particular story angle, or sometimes several related story angles, for a reporter.
This kind of letter can be sent as a cover letter with a news release or media kit, but often it is sent alone. The idea is to grab the reporter's attention by providing a story idea and the important facts surrounding the story (often bullet points are used to present information so that the letter is easy to read). After mailing a pitch letter, it is important to follow up with the reporter to determine his/her interest and provide further information.
Working with the media on a regular basis is key to keeping your name in front of your customers' and prospects' eyes and being at the top of their mind when it comes to awareness.
Create Promotional Campaigns and Info Products Awards
Awards provide an opportunity to strengthen your reputation and credibility. If you do not feel comfortable nominating yourself, ask fellow entrepreneurs, your advisors, your friends or your family to nominate you.
Special Events
Special events such as charitable fund-raisers and public celebrations of your company milestones allow you to communicate your message in an active, participatory manner.
What is your secret to success? How have you become a subject matter expert? Success sells, and if you have your own personal method to getting there, others will pay to hear it. InfoProducts include e-Books, Audio and Video Projects, Special reports and books. Did you know that e-books on how to succeed are topping the sales charts? Put together an InfoProduct and start collecting revenue while you sleep. I have several examples of InfoProducts on my site. Check it out.
Are you ready?
When you become known as an expert in your field, whatever your field, you will find that the world will beat a path to your door. The tips in this article have merely scratched the surface of the strategies and tactics you can use.
By being the expert:
You immediately distinguish yourself from the competition You offer your clients something of value that competitors can't—and don't—offer You can charge more for your services You become the first choice Now it is time for you to plan your road to becoming known as an expert. What actions will you commit to each month to achieve this? How much time will you devote? Use the ideas I've given to help you devise a plan that works for you and become the star in your field!
Business & Marketing guru Kelly O'Neil is passionate about helping entrepreneurs succeed in business through her Business Mastery Success System™. For more information, or to subscribe to O'Neil's Arrive! E-newsletter filled with countless tips and resources for creating more profit in your business, visit .
Posted by Bentnwasted at 7/13/2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
eBay/PayPal Scam.....Part III
Ok, I went to the police yesterday to file a report. I showed them all the information I had found out about the "thieves", including her court date for theft, names and addresses, etc. Mr Police Man said it was all irrelevent to my car sale. Huh?
Told me to pursue it in court.....small claims court......and go after eBay. PayPal, and then the "bidder/thief". Uh huh.
Real life is not a TV movie!
Posted by Bentnwasted at 7/11/2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Ebay Scam....Part II
OK, thanks to being brighter than the average bear, I found the "Thieves".
I called AAA to find out where they towed the car! I have the boyfriends name address, and thanks to Mapquest a photo of his house! I also found the girl who is supposedly the "winning bidder". Seems she also showed up in the Castle Rock, Colorado courts on June 25, 2007 for THEFT! Uh huh. She has lived in about 15 places in the last ten years. She was only a member of eBay for less than a month, buying a bunch of small, auto parts related crap. She is 31, and obviously a professional thief. Probably a meth addict too, because that seems to be the number one motivator in Colorado for crime. This place is worse than Detroit!
I went to the police before I had all this new information. They were pretty useless. If I had another vehicle, I'd go to the house where my car is and get it back!
Stay tuned for updates. Oh, I sent several emails , called and attempted to contact PayPal and
eBay about all this new information........they have not bothered to reply! I still have no money.
Posted by Bentnwasted at 7/07/2007
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Making Money on eBay.....Yes, For Crooks!
Get rich on eBay ? I don't think so.
I have sold aquariums, laptop computers, etc. and most recently my 1996 Monte Carlo.....for about 25% of its Kelly Blue Book value.
The "auction" ended June 18th.............I didn't get "paid" until July 2, and please take that with tongue-in-cheek. You see, my car has been stolen!
The party paid with a stolen/bogus/expired credit card to my PayPal account. PayPal smelled a "rat" and froze my funds. Now they have been reversed altogether and PayPal/eBay is investigating. Oh did I mention they picked up the car on July 2, and now have my car and my money! Uh Huh!
I called PayPal Security, wrote many emails to eBay Security, and several eMails to the winning bidder..or more aptly, the THIEF. I promised to turn this whole case over to the Colorado State Police. Which I plan to do tomorrow July 5th.
After some basic research, I guess the FBI can be involved also. The THIEF is guilty of:
Grand Theft Auto, Wire Fraud, Credit/Debit Card fraud, Computer Crime, and since a "boyfriend" was involved.....Conspiracy!
Supposedly PayPal "protects" sellers, me, against lost. I've followed all the rules and did nothing young, yet I am screwed. They claim the "investigation" may take up to 10 business days. Uh Huh. I have sent in copies of all related emails. My cell phone provider can verify all the calls I made to the buyers phone......all to voicemail. Oooooopppppssss, then her number suddenly "changed" and the buyer is no longer registered with eBay!
Today I fired off several emails demanding that she send all monies owed to my via Western Union. It hasn't happened.
Stay tuned for updates.
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Posted by Bentnwasted at 7/04/2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Marketing of Harry Potter "7"
Geeeeee, you think there was "hype" about the iPhone? That was nothing compared to the last and newest "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" book!
Security is high, books must be sealed and secured. No talking to the really!
Parties at major & minor book stores abound. Will people "camp out" for the book? Who the hell knows? It's crazy. The local public library claims a 6-12 month wait on reserve.....uh huh. I have a copy reserved, maybe I'll sell it on EBay for $500...haha!
OMG, the web sites devoted to this and the secondary marketing of toys, the movies, they even publish "Harry Potter" in brail! All types of media including, print, web, video, etc. are in play. Thanks to the internet, fan fanaticism, much of the "hype" and coverage is free marketing...........the real reason she allows "unofficial" books, etc.
Here are just two sites:
Can there be any doubt on why the author is a "Billionaire"? I am surprised though at all the "un-official" products and books out there. Unlike Microsoft who sues anyone who remotely uses their trademarks or ones that are similar, Rowling, appears to just "feed the beast", and allow copycats. Strange but true.
Posted by Bentnwasted at 7/03/2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Cold Calling: The Most Unpopular Sales Subject
Been there, done that, got that T-Shirt....years of cold calling as a Manufactureres Rep....but at least you should "cold call" at industries that remotely can use your "Product". You don't know until you try!
A recent Wall Street Journal article, lead with, "The cold call won't die." Couldn't help but wonder, why in the world anyone who sells for a living would want the cold call to die in the first place.
Do the math. Sellers of professional services look for 20-25 new clients a year. Then, ask yourself, what faster way is there to reach prospects them than by telephone? With the right mindset, words and delivery on the part of the seller, you will quickly begin to hear money making sounds like cha-ching.
90-seconds of phone time you have with prospects are pure gold.
We are not talking about the "burn and churn tactics" of call centers that count on more than 300% turnover of telemarketers each year. We are talking about sales professionals who cold call people they have not met yet to let prospects know about the value gleaned by those who take advantage of their products and services.
Here's a radical action step for you.
For one week do a minimum of 5 calls a week or a maximum of 5 calls a day. If you are a seller who makes 100 calls a day now here this. The instruction to make five calls a day is not heresy, it is educational, and it most certainly your short cut to success.
How can that be? For your answer ask yourself, how human do you feel after non-stop dialing-for-dollars all morning? You have got to know if you feel wrung out, spent, and down on cold calling how do you think the people on the other end of the line feel listening to you?
Remember when broker's used to call with hot stock tips and sell financial products for quick commissions?
Savvy financial services professionals do not and never did operate that way.
They work toward building relationships with clients for lifelong financial planning and service. They connect with the prospects as people with real needs that these professionals are in a unique position to serve.
Even great sellers become insecure if they think of themselves as telemarketers.
Burn and churn tactics have contributed to giving cold calling a bad name. Better to remember cold calls are not driven by a script and dials per hour, but by a moral obligation to find those very people who want/need what you have to offer and the skills to deliver that information in a way that is meaningful to your prospects.
If you want to leverage cold calls for great profit and benefit for all, you are better off making fewer calls and positioning yourself as the expert in your field that you are; who has important, valuable services to offer prospects.
Article Source:
About the Author:
For your mini-course “Jealously Guarded Secrets to Cold Calling Company Presidents” visit ! Or call Cold Calling Expert, Lead New Business Development Coach, Leslie Buterin (like butterin’ bread) at (816) 554-3674 9-3 CST (that’s Kansas City/Chicago Time) Find much more on our
Posted by Bentnwasted at 6/29/2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Get Rich Books
Get Rich, Retire Rich Books.......Do They Work?
OMG, so many books, so little brains. Initially, my reaction is the way to get rich is write a "Get Rich Book". I mean, come on, if all it took was reading a book, we would all be rich.
Personally, I believe it takes a certain personality type to pursue wealth for the sake of wealth, definitely a "Type A" personality. Someone who enjoys competition, crowds, a fraternity/sorority type...someone who "networks". And that is just to read the books!
I am sure all those who compete on the Donald Trump Show, "The Apprentice", qualify. I remember a Business Law class I took at Colorado State University, as part of my MBA program. The Professor asked the students, at least 90% who were 21-23 years of age, "How many think they will be making $50,000/yr by the time they are 30 yrs old?" At least 90% raised their hands! Uh huh.
In my present "job" as a "Bookseller", I see many people seeking these types of books. Here are some on-line lists of the "Top 10"........most are none of the ones that I see daily.
People seem to like the "Rich Dad" series......unfortunately for my kids, I was the "Poor Dad". The best way to get rich is for dad or grandpa to have been a "Robber Baron" and leave you all his money!
I suppose all the above are for what I still call "Yuppies or "Yuppie Puppies". Conventional, conservative "wannabes".
Then there are the Evangelical Christan.............."God will Bless Me with Wealth" types who actually believe that "GOD" will reward their Christian beleifs with money, power, etc. Uh huh. What happened to that bible verse "A rich man has as much chance of getting into heavens as a camel going through an eye of a needle?"
I guess I am just inherent wealth or you "get lucky". As the movie "Wall Street" stated "Greed is Good!"
Technorati : Karl Marx, capitalism, communisim, evanelical christians, financial, fundamentalists, greed, poor, socialism, working class
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Posted by Bentnwasted at 6/26/2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Identity Theft, Part 2
OK, the blank signature line on 50% of cards, or the "See ID" instead of a readable signature goes on.
However there are new players on the scene now. Mastercard's "PayPass", and Visa's "Visa payWave" contactless smart cards. No signature or pin number required!
In my brief, on going poll of people who don't sign their darn cards, 100% say they will never use such a device! Indeed, the reason some cro-magnon shoppers still write checks, is to prevent ID theft!
What happened to those programs to put your photograph on credit/debit cards? I always thought that was a great idea, but it did not seem to take off. I still see them, but rarely.
I even found an "ABC News" site that discussed this very topic of signature free transactions
All in all, I feel the media ramps up this fear in consumers...most credit card companies limit your liability for false transactions, and I think that some people have an inflated value of their own importance. ID Thieves are more likely to steel Bill Gates information, than "Joe Sixpacks" who lives in a single wide trailer!
Posted by Bentnwasted at 6/22/2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Can A Microbusiness Help You Enjoy A Better Retirement?
Not having enough money for a comfortable retirement tops the list of financial concerns among aging Americans, according to a recent Gallup Poll. It even outweighs peoples’ worries about having a serious illness or accident.
With statistics showing that Americans can expect to live 20 ormore years after reaching retirement age and our longevity continuing to inch upward, these fears could be well founded.
Three out of 10 American workers haven’t saved at all forretirement, and among those who do, many have not saved enough, according to another study. The study showed that three out of 10 workers age 55 or older have saved lessthan $25,000.
Many of us plan to work past the normal retirement age.But at this rate, we may not have a choice. Some of us inthe Baby Boom generation can expect to work beyond age 65, whether we want to or not.
There is an alternative to having to work full-time until we’re in a wheelchair. It’s also a smart choice as we get pastage 50 and want to slow down a bit, but still stay active andstimulated. And that’s to gradually make the transition from working full-time as an employee to being in business for ourselves on a contract or per-project basis. By planning ahead,you can gradually turn your job skills into a “microbusiness”while you are still employed.
If you have worked in a specific industry for 10, 15 or more years, you are ideally suited for this type of transition. You can set up a home office in a spare bedroom of your home, get the equipment you need and gradually establish your business.
When the time comes and you want to make the change, you can do it on your own terms – often by negotiating a contract with your existing employers for 50 percent of your time. There are other ways to make the change, such as negotiating with your employer for a reduced work week,or working from home as a “teleworker” for a few days a week.
Still others have begun their private practice by moonlighting – doing a few projects for other clients on the side at night or on weekends in the year leading up to their departure, and building up a clientele that way. Provided such work isn’t prohibited by your full-time employment contract, it’s another smart way to get started.
Enjoy The freedom
Being your own boss means you get to choose how hard you work and how much you are compensated. If you want to earn extra cash for an upcoming trip or purchase, you can work a few extra hours per week or take an extra project. If you want to take four weeks off and visit friends in Florida, simply plan ahead,keep your clients informed, and off you go.
Perhaps that’s why people over 50 are much more likely to be self-employed, according to a study commissioned by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP).The study showed that 16 percent of people over 50 were self-employed, compared with 10 percent of the general work force. Plus one-third of self-employed seniors were first-time entrepreneurs who began their business after turning 50 and spending many years working for other people.
Being in business for yourself… especially after a lifetime of being an employee for a larger organization… is the next best thing to being financially independent while still earning a living.
You can scale back your hours worked per week to ease into retirement. Or work in bursts of activity to earn extra money for special purchases or travel. And the best part is… it often doesn’t even feel like “work” anymore.
About the Author:
Barnaby Kalan is an independent copywriter and consultant with more than 20 years of experience in direct marketing. He is the author of Outsourcing Yourself, which reveals the safest, smartest ways to turn your current job skills and experience into a potential six-figure income as a self- employed freelance professional or consultant. For details, visit
Read more articles by: Barnaby Kalan
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Posted by Bentnwasted at 6/05/2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Report: Combined Consumer Education and Increased Security Measures Equal Reduced Identity Fraud
Identity theft.....what BS, in my opinion. People have a high regard for their own importance, thinking someone wants their identity (and their stuff). It's like cell phone when they first emerged, people carried them as a status symbol. At least 50% of people in Colorado not sign their debit/credit cards........or they print "See ID", even though it says on the card "Not valid without signature". It is my mission to learn where they heard this advice!
While surfing the 'net, I came across a report about the reduction of identity theft and identity fraud. Obviously, it caught my attention. Following, in part, is that report which was produced by Javelin Strategy & Research, and co-sponsored by CheckFree Corporation, Visa Card, and Wells Fargo & Co.
While identity theft remains a multi-billion-dollar problem for businesses, organizations, and individuals, incidents of the fraud dropped significantly last year, according to a report.
Identity fraud occurring in the United States declined in 2006 by 12 percent over the year before, from $55.7 billion to $49.3 billion, according to the third-annual survey by Javelin Strategy & Research. The survey, which involved 5,000 telephone interviews, estimated the number of victims dropped for the fourth consecutive year by about 500,000 to 8.4 million persons.
Researchers attributed the decline to better consumer education and awareness and increased use of online banking and financial sites that allow closer monitoring of accounts. "Businesses are doing a lot more, law enforcement is doing more, and so are consumers," said James Van Dyke, president of Javelin, a research company in Pleasanton, Calif., specializing in financial services and payments.
Tena Friery, research director at the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a nonprofit consumer organization in San Diego, said she was surprised by the size of the decline but said there is much greater public awareness.
"We still have a long way to go," she said.
According to the report, there was a significant reduction in fraudulent new-account openings, traditionally one of the most common kinds of fraud. It occurs when a criminal uses a victim's personal data to open a new account.
The survey also found that it takes on average less time and expense to resolve a fraud case than last year. When fraudulent accounts are opened, the average fraud amounts dropped from more than $10,000 in 2005 to $7,260 in 2006. Resolution times dropped from an average of 25 hours in 2005 to five hours in 2006.
Van Dyke said one reason the numbers are down is that businesses are "screening account applicants much more closely."
Individuals and consumer groups have long argued that extra screening was needed because conflicting application information, such as two addresses, could indicate identity fraud.
One group that isn't doing better, according to the report, is 18- to 24-year olds. This age group was more likely to become a victim of identity theft than other age groups. (See sure to read my related article, Your Child's First Year at College: Prime Target for Identity Theft?.
The report references offline criminal activities; however, I do believe that incidents of identity theft have remained unchanged online. One example is stated above, with cybercriminals targeting recent high school graduates and college freshmen.
Unfortunate victims, these graduates and college freshmen provide extremely lucrative opportunities for the cybercriminals to obtain their personal information. Even before they start their first careers, these graduates and college students will, most likely, be crippled by identity theft.
To protect yourself, you need an internet security team of experts making sure that you, your family, and your business computer are always safe and secure. The best protection you can have in today's rapidly changing world of cyber-attacks is to have expert support for all your Internet security needs that will provide technical support without any hassles and without charging you extra fees. It will become even more critical than it is today as time goes on. You need to find your own personal team of experts to rely on. If you ever have a security problem, you will want to have a trusted expert you can call for professional help, without any hassles and extra costs!
Because cybercriminals are becoming smarter and more sophisticated in their operations, they are real threats to your personal security and privacy. Your money, your computer, your family, and your business are all at risk.
These cybercriminals leave you with three choices :
1. Do nothing and hope their attacks, risks, and threats don’t occur on your computer.
2. Do research and get training to protect yourself, your family, and your business.
3. Get professional help to lockdown your system from all their attacks, risks, and threats.
Remember: When you say "No!" to hackers and spyware, everyone wins! When you don't, we all lose!
© MMVII, Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, The Internet Safety Advocate and Educator
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About the Author:
Etienne A. Gibbs, Independent Internet Security Advocate and Educator, consults with individuals, small business owners, and home-business entrepreneurs regarding online protection against spyware, viruses, malware, hackers, and other cybercrimes and pc-disabling issues. For more information, visit
Posted by Bentnwasted at 5/27/2007
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Tips on Building Revenue for Your Business
(NewsUSA) - It's a dog-eat-dog world. You must be prepared for anything when deciding to open your own practice or small business. And once you become a business owner, you need to know how to make your business grow.
"What keeps business owners, practice owners and partners up at night is likely the challenge of managing and growing the business," says Steven Stralser, clinical professor at Thunderbird: The Garvin School of International Management and author of "MBA In A Day."
In his book, Stralser addresses business professionals who have extensive training in certain industries but want to learn the skills necessary to manage businesses of their own.
Packed with examples, helpful anecdotes and real-world case studies, this straightforward guide gives readers a comprehensive business education without having to spend the time and money on graduate school.
The book covers essential principles and concepts taught at today's top business schools. Topics include negotiation, accounting, marketing, effective communication, information technology and leadership.
Stralser offers the following tips to help your business grow.
* Focus on existing customers. With advertising and other marketing costs, finding new customers can be expensive. Acquiring new business is important, of course, but so is keeping and growing your current clientele.
* Stay in touch. Offer more products or services to existing customers, clients or patients. They will respond with loyalty and future business. Think "greater share" of customers instead of "market share." It's simpler and more profitable in the long-run.
* Develop a Web presence. Developing a Web page puts information on your business right at the fingertips of clients or potential clients. And not only does accessing your Web site save them time, it saves you time as well.
For example, a client can have access to old reports from past projects. By having this information accessible online, you won't have to take time out of your busy schedule to print and ship the reports to that client.
For more information on Stralser's book, visit
Posted by Bentnwasted at 5/20/2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
The Do's And Don'ts Of Launching A Small Business Website
Launching a new small business website is often a long and painstaking process. And for most small businesses, the endeavor rarely ends in success. The terrain is mapped with freelancers, firms, and consultants that don’t offer the same services and most certainly don’t charge the same prices. Projects are often riddled with unclear expectations, missed deadlines, and ridiculous hourly rates. What’s worse is that many developers have the audacity to ask for even more money halfway through the project. Even after all of the hard work is complete, most companies don’t even see a return on investment.
If you haven’t been there, you probably know someone who has. IT outsourcing and procurement is often times so traumatizing that many of us vow never to deal with it again. But the whole process need not be so difficult and fruitless. The purpose of this article is to aid you in launching a successful website with minimal pain and effort. Who knows, if you play your cards right, it may even be within budget and on time!
The Don’ts
Don’t spend too much on web hosting. If you are a small business that is just beginning to define your online presence, you don’t need a whole lot! You most certainly don’t need 10,000MB (10GB) of web space and 100,000MB (100GB) of bandwidth each month. So don’t pay for it! You might be thinking, “Well, if it’s relatively cheap and I may need it in the future, why don’t I just spring for it now?” That kind of reasoning paves the road to overspending. Besides, web hosts making such offers are hoping that you won’t really use the massive set of features. Expert web developers and power users will use that kind of space and bandwidth, however, and the end result is a bogged down and slow web host. Go with something economical and reliable; it’s probably even faster.
Don’t mold your website to a pre-defined package. Although your local newspaper advertisement for development of a “5-page website with logo design for only $995” may be tempting, don’t fall for it. Any company that sells you pre-set web site packages (or charges based on the number of pages) has the wrong idea. Web development should be a custom-fitting job. Your website is a business tool, and should be developed to exact specifications that enable it to complement the rest of your business. If you compromise your website’s functionality, you compromise its ability to help you make money.
Don’t start the project until you are fully prepared. The easiest way to ruin a web development project is to get started before you are ready. Everything does not need to be in perfect order when you are shopping around for development; however, once you select a developer and begin work, being unprepared will only slow your project down greatly and drive up costs. Avoid this by purchasing your domain and web hosting, writing out all content, and deciding on the general layout you desire, all before the project begins.
Don’t compare apples to oranges. Not all web developers are created equal, so it is unfruitful and unwise to compare them on a single benchmark (such as price). While some “full-service” firms will create your website, upload it to your domain, and maintain the site to make sure it’s up-to-date, others will simply e-mail you a folder full of files and expect you to know what to do from there. Similarly, some firms will revise the finished product over and over until you’re satisfied while others believe you are paying them for one draft of work and no more. Be mindful of these differences and understand what is built into the different prices of each provider.
Don’t focus too much on eye-candy. Remember what your website is for. Unless you are the exception to the rule, the purpose of your site is either to a) give information about your product/service or company, b) allow users to buy directly from the site or c) both. In all cases, the site must be easy to understand, navigate, and operate. If your site is so new-age and graphic intensive that users have no idea how to get around it, or worse—it takes too long to load, you’ve defeated the purpose of its creation.
The Do’s
Do have a marketing budget for your website. Launching a website without a marketing plan usually always results in a zero return-on-investment. Why? Because there are millions of sites on the internet, and if you don’t market your site, no one will come. Unlike a typical brick-and-mortar establishment that benefits from exposure to passersby, your website will not be seen by anyone until you tell people that it exists. Take advantage of the fact that your website can reach more potential customers than a small storefront ever could. Set aside marketing funds at the onset of your project.
Do prepare a timeline for the project. Many developers work virtually, that is, directly through the internet such that you may never meet them in person. This style of work is very different than the conventional, and the lack of face-to-face contact makes it easy for both parties to simply forget about the project as time goes on. Ensure that your project won’t stagnate. Prepare a solid timeline with clear milestones, expectations, and deadlines so that it is easy for both you and the developer to stay on target.
Do provide feedback in a timely and detailed manner. Although you are paying a design firm for its creativity, remember that ultimately what you say goes. You must be sensitive of the fact that development is a step-by-step, layer-by-layer process. If you don’t respond with feedback immediately, developers will have already completed other layers of the site before your feedback reaches them. This means that they must not only re-work the layer in question, but also the following layers. Some developers have been “burned” so many times in this manner that they will wait patiently for your feedback before they go on to the next layer of work. This means that development comes to a screeching halt until they hear back from you. They may get so fed up that they take on another client while they wait, leaving you at 2nd priority.
Do research developers before setting a budget. There are two reasons to do your homework before you decide on a budget. First, setting a budget without understanding a particular industry is simply nonsensical. You must know the price ranges of development and also what type of service to expect within each range. Second, a small business website, unlike a typical personal expense, is an investment. The goal of launching the site should be to aid the company in making more money. If the site won’t make money, don’t create it! If you limit your budget at $1000 without understanding the investment or industry, you may get an excellent site in that price range that makes no money. You would be better off if you do your homework, however, and find that spending more will likely yield a return. For example, you might spend $4000 on a site that actually makes you and additional $20,000 annually.
Do plan to keep your site up-to-date. One of the biggest advantages to having a website is that you can quickly and easily update information. Nothing sends a more powerful message to a potential customer than a website that hasn’t been updated for several months, or even years! You are telling people that the business is defunct or unpopular. Make it a point to update your site frequently, even if you don’t have much to say. It will let your customers know that things are going well and that your company takes an active interest in keeping them informed.
Although the above Dos and Don’ts are definitely not comprehensive, they are a good set of guiding principles for any individual or small business owner looking to create an online presence. No set of rules if foolproof, however, and there are always exceptions. My suggestion would be to always err on the side of caution. Many of the cliché statements we’ve all heard will come in handy: there is no such thing as a free lunch, and, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask questions to people who know more than you. In fact, feel free to contact me if you ever get into a jam: Good luck!
About the Author:
Adil Wali is Chief Operating Officer of SteeZo Media, a company founded in 1999 that focuses on consulting small and medium sized businesses in getting online. Under Adil’s leadership, the company shifted away from broad-based IT consulting to a more specific focus on matching clients with most talented and cost effective web developers.
Read more articles by: Adil Wali
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Posted by Bentnwasted at 5/03/2007